Thanks for the support guys.
Tuesday: Lots of recovery work (over 130 reps of DB Snatches w/ a 55lber and a ton of core and mountain climbers @ tempo-like intervals).
[/li]Okay I’ve had mild shin-splints on and off, but today was a KILLER during the warm-up for some reason.
[li]2x10 OHB w/ 7kg ball
[/li]Good, but not the best. I was hitting PR level throws Monday, but today was just a little above avg (hit maybe 2 36’+).
[li]8 x 20-30m block starts
These felt extremely fast. Used 5mins rest inbetween. Did my normal block position for the first 2 or 3, then tried it BJ/Jesse Owens style after that looking forward, which is definitely an interesting position. I had fast runs with both style, but I think I’ll go with the head down unless the times prove otherwise because when you look up, you just see so much (about 15 people were watching that I wouldn’t have noticed if I didn’t look up), but it feels good. We’ll see–it’s still up in the air. I talked to Clemson last night and he gave me some good techniques for preparing for competition like settings and relaxing, which will hopefully be beneficial.
[li]4-5 (I forget whether 4 or 5) build-ups over 45-50m
[/li]Nice relaxation and rhythm.
[li]7x8 Hurdle Hops.
[/li]Nice pop on these even after all of the running work.
[/li]195 x 3
185 x 2 x 5
195 x 5
First set I did 195 for 3, but thought I might miss one of the next 2 so I stopped and went to 185. Last set (or extra set I suppose since it should’ve been 3x5) I realized I need to stop being a bia and just do it.
[li]2x6 Squats
[/li]295lbs for both sets, not too hard, but not too easy. Squatting 2x a week has been tough on me for some reason, but these were very reasonable, esp. after all of the other work.
[/li]Double @ 245lbs w/ minimal warm-up.
Today was the beginning of my 10-day taper, hence the rather high volume and intensity. Next Saturday I have my last chance meet to qualify for states, which I should be able to do (I believe SQS is 7.3somethingFAT for 60m) as I am running on a great surface in spikes and will be tapered down. If I make it to states, I will then carry the taper over to the next week and hopefully hit a PB in the state meet, maybe make finals? If I achieve my goal (high goal for me I suppose) @ 6.99FAT 60m, then I will place top 3 most likely and set myself up for a great outdoor season.
I am going to schedule a massage for tomorrow and probably one sometime next week.