LSU: Trindon fastest footballer

Thats my point and when someone who run 11.9 comes on here talking shit about 10.0 flat guy that shit pisses me off.

you’re conveniently forgetting the fact that you started this with all your talk about how “you guys are haters man” when people commented that holliday ran barley up to snuff. I wouldn’t have told you how poorly i thought he’d do in the next round if you weren’t hopelessly dick riding and defending him.

You are disputing a fact, he squeaked by, which is great in this field, but you are apologizing for his time because he didn’t have a good start, ben stumbled third step out in '87, he overcame that pretty well. if holliday was in form i think he’d be up racing for the top three in the finals and would have run around 10 flat today with the stumble in all and people would be talking about how impressive it was. but as is, he got to the semis which is great. but he has alot of work to do and while i didn’t express that in a manner showing proper respect for holliday and his past accomplishments and times(in your warped view point), the fact remains that you were the one calling people out in the defense of trindon holliday(a guy who doesn’t know you from adam’s house cat). people who were initially making a valid and really indisputable observation that he didn’t run that great and that he was the 5th fastest in teh quarters amongst the footballers.

unreal you’re still talking shit when you started the shit storm.

edit: i really think you’re a fictitious caricature, no one could actually act the way you do naturally.

the more you talk the stupider you sound, so do us all a favor and go stand in the corner like you promise earlier.

that was when i confused capel and monty, this you’re being an asshat as well

Since when did you have to be able to run as fast as someone to be critical of their performance, especially when it comes to professional track and field? Vast majority of people will never be an NFL/NBA/MLB/FIFA/etc. superstar, so apparently there can be no critique of any performance. I find that funny because tamfb has been very critical of some athletes who are “much better.”

Because this whole thread was silly, everyone wanna say this player is faster then trindon etc - who cares he is faster then anyone on this forum and he is also a very good fb player something that people like X-man cant say.

This has been a nice light and entertaining thread though. A lot of the reading on this forum is heavy stuff, so this is almost refreshing!