Freeman backs bid but Montgomery doubtful

David Martin, PA
Friday May 16, 2003
The Guardian

There was a mixed reaction yesterday to London’s Olympic bid from the world’s leading athletes.
Sydney’s 400 metres gold medallist Cathy Freeman believes


London will stage a flawless Olympics if the city is eventually chosen as hosts for 2012. Freeman, scheduled to run in the IAAF super grands prix in Gateshead and London this summer in her build-up to August’s world championships, said: "I think London will be a great venue for the Olympic Games. It is somewhere I love competing and where I have lived and trained several times.

“The athletics fans are absolutely brilliant, knowledgable and enthusiastic. I’m almost certain, having competed regularly at British meets, that the organisation will be also very good. Obviously I cannot compare anything to Sydney but, for me, London can successfully stage the Olympics.”

The world 400m hurdles champion Felix Sanchez is also behind the bid. The Dominican Republic athlete said: “London will be a better venue than some of the other places. Of course the weather could be a problem, but it’s got a lot going for it.”

The world 100m record holder Tim Montgomery, though, needs convincing. The American said: “I’m not sure. Are you going to build a stadium? The weather in London is always a bit iffy, making racing up and down.”


Lomdon has the same sort of climate as sydney doesn’t it, and TM seemed happy enough to run there… :shoot::shoot:

Originally posted by mr_magoo
Lomdon has the same sort of climate as sydney doesn’t it, and TM seemed happy enough to run there… :shoot::shoot:

They probably have a similar climate in July. The thing, is, that’s the middle of winter in Sydney, but the middle of summer in London :o

I’m sure London will do a good olympic games.

Same climate as Sydney. London doesn’t have the same climate as Hobart (other than the mainland of Australia) The next biggeset land mass to as is the South Pole. :o

LOL! though surely it doesn’t matter where the Games are regardless of the weather, as long as someone becomes olympic champ???
Though having said that, for the British government to pull their head out of the sand and realise that london won’t get them due to the facts that:
a) london’s infrastructure is poor
b) does pickett’s lock ring any bells and
c) if they could do it, the mony spent on building a new stadium would be way too expensive - Wembley???