Logging out/off the site

I am unable to log off the site; neither on my computer at work or at home.

When I hit the log out tab a screen appears with nothing but computer code.

How to I log out?

If you really want to log out, do it the hardcore way. Delete all cookies from your browser.

Internet Explorer: Tools->Internet Options->Delete Cookies button
Firefox: Tools->Clear Private Data (check only “Cookies”)

Then close your browser and come back to the site.

Here is some background info on cookies

Thanks Mortac8.

Mission accomplished

I just tried that and the same thing happened to me. But I deleted my cookies and it worked.

I thought it might fix some other problems I’m having with the site BUT the pictures at the very top of the pages don’t load and whenever I try to click on a subforum I get a pop up saying operation aborted. Also, I cannot view avatars, they’re just empty boxes with a red X in the corner, same with the pictures at the top.

Please help! This makes it really hard to find topics that aren’t the most recently posted in. It also means I couldn’t start a thread to ask about this!

you can also change your settings, so it logs you out after say 20min of inactivity.