Live Conferance with Charlie Francis

It is with great pleasure that I announce that that we are now setup to deliver live seminars/conferences online. I have 20 tickets available for a live event that is slated to happen within 10 days (TBD).

The conferance will last approx. 60 minutes and will focus on top end speed dynamics with a Q&A/open discussion.

If you’re interested and want to sign up please get in touch asap, these tickets won’t be around long. Price $45.99USD per person.

What do I need to participate?

You just need a computer and telephone. You will be provided your invitation and 1-800 access number to dial in.

We fully support Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Solaris users. You can now get world class training from the comfort of your own home/office. Another first from

Hope to see you there


Rupert, this is a great idea! I am glad it is finally happening.

And how would one go about recording it?


love to be there!

A recording for participants will be provided after each webinar. The technology allows us to record each seminar. A nice feature that will serve as a good point of reference as we go forward with different subjects.

Also note that materials will be presented also. These will include live video, graphs and other items of importance to the webinar.

I’m looking forward to this in a big way, we spent considerable effort researching our options and I can assure you all that the experience will be worthwhile.



Excellent idea. Can’t wait for this one!