Live Chat with Charlie!!!

Interested am I.

I’m also interested…


…me too!

quite my baabies. Im interested too!!!

I am , indeed , most interested .

I’m interested…

I’m interested

I like it, its all good.

I’m interested

<dwatling puts his hand up> me sir!! pick me!!!

aint it funny how everyone starts finding new and inventive ways to say theyre interested when the ol’ “im interested” gets overused.

vito: nice signature heeh

When is this live chat?

DWatling - Who’s in the avatar?




estoy interesado.

Count me in

I’m interested.

Our first chat event will happen on March 23rd and the discussion will be geared towards Charlie’s 2004 Vancouver Series seminar. Those who have this DVD will be sent an invite for the discussion, in addition to this we will have a private forum also.

The film is great…hope you all watch it.

Find it here

Private Message me for more info.


mi interessa…(I’m interested…):slight_smile: