Lifting/Speed Work


I am new to the site and I think what I have seen is great so far. I wish I knew about this site a few years before now, I wouldn’t have wasted as much time as I did.

I am wondering if I could get some feedback on my programs. I am a 6’ 2" 236 lb linebacker/special teams player and my program is as follows.

Day 1:
Squats/Deadlift(alternate every 3 weks): week1(3 sets x 5); week 2(3sets x 3); week 3(new max)
2 of: Glute/Ham Raise, Reverse Hyperextensions, Good Mornings, Romanian Deadlifts.
Hamstring Curls
Rotator Cuff work
Core work.

Day 2:
Bench: week1(3 sets x 5); week 2(3sets x 3); week 3(new max)
Upper Back-Pull: Lat pull to chest wide grip
DB incline palms facing in;
1 of: Horizontal Row or lean back using Lat Pull or Seated Row;
Shoulder/Rotator Cuff work
Core work.

Day 3:
Cleans: week1(6 sets x 1); week2(5 sets x 2); week 3 (4 sets x 3)
Speed Squat worksets (6 sets x 2) @40-60%;
2 of: Glute/Ham Raise, Reverse Hyperextensions, Good Mornings, Romanian Deadlifts.
Hamstring Curls
Rotator Cuff work
Core work.

Day 4:
Speed Bench: (8 sets x 3 reps)@40-60%

Upper Back-Pull: Lat pull to chest wide grip
DB incline palms facing in;
1 of: Horizontal Row or lean back using Lat Pull or Seated Row;
Shoulder/Rotator Cuff work
Core work.

The weights are done 3 days per week (Mon/Wed/Fri). The first and second weeks would look like so: Mon: Day 1, Wed: Day 2, Fri: Day 3, Mon: Day 4, Wed: Day 1, Fri: Day 2.
This would continue for the 4 week cycle, when new maxes are attained.

I have achieved great results with the weight program. In the first six weeks my bench has gone up about 30 pounds. My problem comes with the running program. The following is an adjusted program. I have done the original program in the past and now I have adjusted it to the following.

Warm up (everyday): jog 400 - 800 metres in 5 minutes, progressively running faster as the final 200 metres approaches.

Build ups (8 to 10 reps): 40 m gradual acceleration, 40 m maintain speed, 40 m coast, 120 m walk back.

Day 1 and 3:
Overspeed (towing with surgical tubing):
Week Reps Distance Rest(min) Progress
1 3-5 10-15m 2 3/4 speed
2 repeat above full speed
3 5-7 15-20 3 full
4 7-9 20-25 3 full
5 repeat above
6-8 7-9 25-30 3.5 full

Form Running:
Straight/Inside/Outside Bounding 20 m x 3-5 reps each
Butt Kicks/Wall Slides 30 m x 3-5 reps
Pull Throughs 20 m x 3-5 reps
Quick Feet 40 yds 3-5 reps

Speed Endurance:
Pick Up Sprints: Jog 25m/Stride 25m/Sprint 25m/Walk 25m x 8-10 reps.

Day 2 and 4:
Sand Runs:
Week Reps Distance Rest Progression
1 3-5 15 m Walk Back 75% x 2 sets
2 3-5 20 m Walk Back Max. x 2 sets
3 6-8 25 m Full Max Speed
3-5 30 m Walk Back 75% x 2 sets
4 7-9 40 m Full 90%
3-5 40 m Walk Back x 2 sets
5 7-9 50 m Full 90% x 3 sets
6-8 7-9 60m Full 90% x 3 sets

Medicine Ball Work:
Overhead Backward Throw/Underhand forward throw/Soccer Style Throw in (3 sets x 5)
Sit Up with throw/Seated trunk twist (3 x 10)

Position Specific Drills:
45 minutes worth.

The running will follow the same rotation as the lifting, so the heavy leg day and the speed work are done on the same day. I will be doing the running in the morning and the lifting in the afternoon.

So, after all of that, what do you guys think of the set up? Is the running appropriate? My main goal is to gain speed endurance along with an increase in speed. I have confidence in the weights but my knowledge on running is way more limited. I would love some feedback, so I don’t waste my time doing a running program that won’t help me out. Also, do you think I should run in the morning or lift in the morning?

Thanks a lot for any feedback. Also, thanks for the great site.


Are you confident in your speed? Because if you’re not doing all of your speed-endurance work may not be very helpful if you’re not fast yet. I prefer more sets than what you have listed in the weightlifting. Do a search on charlies site for “overspeed training” or buy the forum review. Overall, it’s a bad idea. I always prefer running in the morning and lifting after. Just consider this, are you more comfortable with your running effecting your lifting or your lifting effecting (or is it affecting?) your running? Whatever you want the most direct gains in I would aim at pushing that workout the hardest. But of course if you schedule recovery/regen. work, you can do both with greater intensity (up to 40% more intensity). No acceleration work?


Thanks for the reply. After thinking about it some more, I agree with you about running in the morning. That is what I have done in the past, and I am going to stick with it. I am currently reading Charlie’s book “The Charlie Francis Training System”. This is a great book and I have learned a tonne, and I am only half way through. After reading the book I have a feeling I will be revamping my running program.

So, you asked about acceleration work. What types of stuff would you suggest? Also, does anyone have any suggestions as to when agility work should be done? Would you do on the speed day or with the tempo runs? My agility work is usually pretty taxing, so I would think it should be done on the speed day. Is agility hard enough to work the central nervous system? I do a lot of cuts and cone work with the agility, but not a lot of jumping.

Thanks for any replies.