lets just say.....

Lets say I lived in a state where there where it snowed all year, knee-deep except for one month of competition. During this month all the snow would melt and the weather would be ideal for sprints.

I needed to train like a sprinter indoors but w/o a track. Just a hallway of approx 60m and a couple staircases.

I had year round access to a weight room and maybe a pool.

WHat would you do to re-create the conditions needed to make me as successful as possible?

Oh yeah fyi- I run the 200-400.
Lets say I am in HS with a track age of 1-2 years.

Come on all you creative geniuses. Show me what you’ve got w/o all the technology and facilities. :cool:

Lets have some fun!!

dig in please

Out of curiousity where do you live lol?

Best I can think of is run 60m, sprint up the stairs and run 60m back to the start. lol not much to work with though.

first, what is “lol”

I live in the upper midwest. (Minne-snowta)

This is just a scenario though.
We see snow from late Nov to thaw in late march/early april

Its been in the 90-100 range for about 3 weeks now with not much let up in sight. I’m cool with it though since our other extreme is 30-40 below windchils in Jan-Feb

but back to the topic

lol means laugh out loud. a common equivilent on the net for haha.

well with 60m it does not seem like you can do anything to exactly replicate 200m-400m. They best I can think of is shuttle runs between the ends of the hall.

good luck