Leonard Scott with HSI

Does anyone think that this is a good move on his part? I love that a sprinter with his potential has finally put his focus back in the right direction. I guess after not making it in Pittsburgh he’s it out that he’s not a football player. I hated not seeing him run last year, I think he would have put half the focus towards track for the past few years that Justin Gatlin did Tennessee would have broken the 4x100 record with Scott, Gatlin, Sean Lambert, and Jonathan Wade. I think he lost his confidence when Kim Collins walked him down in that 4x100 in the NCAA’s. Maybe at HSI he can finally live up to the hype that surrounded him early in his career.

i remeber that, boy did he get ate up. That was funny as hell.

Yea, it was a little bit, but I did like Tennessee that year. That had to be one of his worst track meets in his life. First he false starts in 100m and doesn’t make the final. And Justin Gatlin wins the 100m, when he was beating Gatlin all year. Gets walked down in the 4x100 that they had the lead in when he got the stick. Then he blows up in the 200m final and ended up not being a factor. That had to be hard to deal with.

That’s awesome!!! What a coincidence, I was just asking about him. It’s about time he got his act together. He’s with a good coach and we’ll see what he can do next year, it’ll be interesting to see Gatlin v. Scott on the professional level!