Leg weights

Related to biking:
I did 35 reps of kettlebell jerks. Right hand. Repeated on left hand. I then did another 30 reps, as side press pushes with ketllebell.
So; Two high rep sets on each arm. Segment within a training session. Those two exercises are all about the knee extensors and plantar flexors. )2 days later, I was on my bike…
… And THAT hill, felt like nothing. It was so easy getting to the top of that hill. (it had never been difficult, but now it was piss easy. I was laughing three quaters of the way up.)

I tell you, if I coached a national level B-M-X, mountain bike or sprint racer team…

High rep single arm kettlebell jerks, and single arm side press jerk, would be in the program.
But not more than twice a week, and possibly not more than once every 5 days. (Muscles may recover in a day, but neural pattern for that exercise can take longer to recover, especially if volume was performed.)

Still, you are mixing slow twitch volume, with track sprinting. I’ve done much of the same, but tried to keep some of the bike work as speed reps and hills. When I squatted, the squats allways went up during a biking phase.

Your running work, probably helped your biking?

Some Tri-athlon participants have said that running helps cycling but cycling doesn’t help running.

I really would love to see a “Tri-athlon” Sprint test…

100m running sprint.
200m free-style swim (half hour later.)
500m bike sprint (lap chaser).
And they get to rest and change before each event.

I wonder what athletes would win it, but it would be great for those who’ve had experiance with track sprints, bike and sprint swim.
Would that person be more special than Usain Bolt?