Leg weights

Do bolt, gay, powell all have big squats? hell no. though im sure they can put up some fairly decent weight, they definitely cannot approach some of the 1RMs that some people on these online forums can do. They do however, run 9.5-9.7.

Now we’re talking about freak core strength? lol… do you honestly think bolt does those things? i’d be more inclined to believe bolt spends his time doing squats vs. heavy weighted ab work. Honestly… it’s all the same sh*t in the end.

what’s the job of the core? to stabilize you. I’ve done my high amount of core work vs. low amounts of core work, and made huge progress on squats vs. my squat going down. I’ve also seen others go through the same process/es.

In the end, getting stronger in general will help you in the LONG term, however in a single season, I highly doubt a higher 1RM or super freak core strength will do you much.

As for which is more valuable, you can all have your own opinions, but there’s more guys squatting 400-500 and running fast vs. guys hanging off poles sideways and running fast, so I think i’ll stick with the former being better and that is squats.

to be fast you must run fast, and then run some more.