Lacrosse sprint sessions

I think I read somewhere on the forum that team sports only require sprint sessions of fast 50m intervals, long jogs and speed work. However, would 75% tempo 100m or less, and speed endurance sessions of upto 120m be useful also?

I play lacrosse, I find that tempo up to 100m is very beneficial.

Long jogs on the other hand, suck! They don’t do anything tempo doesn’t - all I have done for the last year is speedwork, speed endurance and tempo and I turned in a 5:15 mile, which will satisfy any lacrosse coach, and most require a timed mile.

I personally don’t see any carryover of long jogs, as I believe aerobic fitness is well developed by tempo, as well as the fact that if you’re running less than 70% speed one probably isn’t making an impact on the field.

Speed endurance is very useful for lacrosse though I believe playing a game can replace formal speed endurance training, and would only do speed endurance on a week without a game. This is very ordinary here in the states, but I don’t know the state of offseason leagues and game opportunities in the UK.

I’ve had the most success using this running schedule:
M - Speedwork
T - Tempo
R - Agility speedwork
F - Tempo
Sa - Speed Endurance/game day

Let’s talk more about lacrosse!

:smiley: :smiley: :cool:

Thanks, Marshall. This is for girls Lacrosse. I don’t play myself, although I’m not too bad with a stick.

I was thinking of longer distances purely for the development of slow twitch. Using tempo will develop the aerobic systems better, but I am thinking the actual slow fibre may need further development to cope with the constant movement/jogging throughout. What do you think? This would be for teenagers and older.

oh. girl’s lacrosse. different game, but I still think I’d be right.

I’m honestly confused when I watch it. If I can say anything, I probably wouldn’t spend as much time on agility, it seems like the general idea is run to where they can’t check you and score…

Does one really need to develop slow twitch to jog?

well not just to jog, but if covering a long distance in a game it may be helpful. I’m not sure how much distance would be covered in girls lacrosse, but I know footballers (soccer) and rugby players train jogging the miles - the games probably involve a fair bit more distance than in girls lacrosse however.

lacrosse is a lot like basketball over a longer distance. I think the slow twitch would be developed enough considering what gets done in practice as far as skill drills, and what coaches tend to do conditioningwise - they’re in offseason right?

Speed Endurance would have no role. Tempo runs would be preferable to long runs and speed work out to 50m would suffice.

charlie, what about the situations in lacrosse games where it goes back and forth? a midfielder can run 50 yards down play offense for a second, a turnover can occur and they have to run another 50 or so in to play defense… does this change anything?

thanks for your time

Yes, 50m repeats with tempo breaks but NO special endurance. Develop the short speed and have a strong tempo background.

So 75% tempo (short rest) and 50m speedwork (full rest) is all that is needed. Does this really prevent the need for 50m repeats at above 95% pace?.

By 75%, I assume you mean the speed. Re volume of tempo, I’d look at a ratio of 80% tempo and 20% speed work (as opposed to the 65/35 for sprinting)

Charlie that’s a interestign guideline - I hadn’t really adjusted my percentages - I’ve been keeping them at the 65-35.

I use Fartlek occasionally as a replacement for the Tempo, so instead of a walking rest or press-ups I include a 50-75m jog - or ‘baby steps’ as I call them.
There are 2 reasons :

  1. Rather than getting team sport athletes programmed to slow down and Stop - I think they should concetrate on slowing down to a jog and continuing to jog - (not sure if all that makes sense)
  2. Team sport athlete need to concentrate on staying alert just immediately after a sprint - so why go flat-footed? - Stay alert and on your toes.

Tempo is ideal for team sport serobic fitness though.
The key training focus for a coah should be to continnuously tell the athletes to stay AT THE SAME PACE.
You should finish the last run in the same time as the first one. etc, etc.
Too often they look on them as races - not good.

Remember also – midfielders have to sprint longer distances and more often than attackmen and defensemen. So training should be adjusted ie. less tempo, shorter distances for attack and defense.