Ku2u's Football Workouts Journal

Not bad numbers to start out with, especially at your body weight. Lots of room for improvement. Good luck.

I can squat 2xBW now. Ive got 2 years left before Im a senior so I still have a lot of time.

Monday: Agility/plyo’s

A1. Plyo Boxes: 6x6 boxes, 20-30sec rest imbetween
A2. one legged bounding: 6x12, 20-30sec rest imbetween.

Mat drills:10minutes
10 whole minutes of it, you have to do all of these flips and jumps on this stupid mat. I dont want to explain it all because its all a bunch of shit.

Speed latter:10 minutes

After School:
Incline db: 5x10
Upright rows: 5x10
Complexes(5 Hang cleans, 5 push presses, 5 stepups, 5 SLDLS): 5x5
Military Press:5x10
Close grip Bench:5x10

Back Squat: 5x10, last set was 215x10
Bench: 5x10, last set was 140
Power Cleans: 5x10, last set was 130

Wednesday: Agility Drills

10 minutes
Speed latters: 5x

Mat drills: 10minutes

Power stepups:3x10
Pro agility Drills: 3x w/ 30 sec rest

After school:
Ab work on Balance ball
Complexes: 5x5
Front squats:5x10
Calf Raises:5x10
Overhead Squats: 5x10
Bugarians: 5x10

Box squats: 5x10
Incline bench:5x10
Trap bar dl:5x10

Squats: 5x10, last set was 215
DB bench: 5x10, Used 30’s
Clean and Press:5x10

This really pisses me off. These workouts that I just posted are MANDATORY. It really sucks, way too much volume, very little rest. So dont think that I actually designed these workouts. I was looking forward this off season to do the CFTS workouts. But Instead I have to do these “conditioning workouts” when I need to be getting stronger and faster the real way! If I dont follow these workouts, they wont let me play football next year. So this sucks ass.

This weeks workouts were the same damn workouts as last week except that all of the weight room lifts were done at 5x8. We squat heavy 3x a week and 2x with back to back days. How are you supposed to recover that way? I get a lot of headaches from all this volume, which is not good.

[The high rep cleans look really shitty…
Work hard and you may see some decent results just because you are working your ass off and are growing. I’d try your best to make sure you don’t get hurt on things like the cleans.

Ya I cheat on the cleans and only do six reps. I sure hope I can see some results, but how are you supposed to get better with 15-20sec recovery time? It seems like we would be in very good shape during the football season but we still get very tired during the season.

only 15-20sec rest? … don’t know what to tell you. You could always join a winter/spring sport.

The only sport I would join is track. The track workouts are even worse. We run anything from a 100-800, and just get a walkback recovery. The track workouts are 3 days in a row. We do those workouts plus the workouts for the off-season. And I always wind up with a headache afterwards.

Final exams are this week. Yesterday we only had a 25minute period so we just sat around. Today we had a 2 hour period and did everything in the whole week, I mean all that I just posted we did. Everybody was bending over trying to catch their breath, barely going through the drills, and how are we supposed to do all this with just 15-20sec rest imbetween each drill all out? We get a 2.5 week christmas break after tomorrow, and getting a chance to do the CFTS workouts will be my biggest christmas present no doubt.

Not a good day to run, or I ran too early
12min warmup

I did not feel right this morning. I didnt notice I ran these at 10:30am, because my clock broke. I should have waited later. My back felt weird when I started my sprints. I felt like I had no explosion. It might be that the grass at my house has too many bumps and not flat enough, but thats the only place I can do my sprints. Im going to do my lifting later today.


Bench-135x8, 145x8, 165x6
Bent Over Rows-3x6 155
Squat-135x8, 205x8, 235x8
Post workout shake-3g creatine, 100%Whey by ON-1 scoop

Sick after the holidays so I got back to work.

Static stretch Hip Flexors
Squat: 135x10, 205x8, 240x6, 240x6
SLDL w/ DB’s:3x12, 45lb DB’s
Bench: 175x3, 175x3, 175x3. Each rep was held Isometrically at top for 5 sec.
DB rows:3x10, 35lb DB’s
Post workout shake:3gCreatine mono, 24gprotein

About 2-3 years ago when I was in the 6-7th grade I saw an Isometrics article in an M&F mag. I did the workout for like 3 weeks, and I had like a 15-20lb increase on my bench press which that was all I cared about when I was that old, and had a lot of success with it other times. So I decided to give it a try again.

4x40yds, all from 3pt
4x10yds, all from 3pt

Bench:180x3, 180x3, 180x3. Each rep held Isometrically for 5sec.
Squat:135x10, 205x8, 245x6, 255x4

Post Workout shake

Pretty good workout. Still sore from last workout. The weights were pretty heavy, barely finished the squat and bench. This is the only week I have to train by myself until spring break probably.

Protein and Creatine
Contrast shower

Is this your teams workouts or are you doing your own stuff for now?

Its my own stuff only for this week though.

3xflying 20’s, 20yd run in
3xflying 20’s, 10yd run in

Squat:10x135, 8x205, 6x255-No Belt on any
Bench:185x3, 185x3, 185x3
Post workout shake:used last of old weight gain mix had like 50grams of protein and 200g of carbs/5g Creatine.

I was stronger on all my lifts today. Felt fast on my sprints. I didnt realize that I squatted without a belt. I felt like I could do 255 more than 6 times today. In fact last workout I did squats I could only barely do it 4 times with a belt. I also gained 3.5lbs since yesterday. Might be water weight from creatine.

Thursday:at work all day, I guess you could call it tempo

squat:10x135, 8x205, 6x265
bench:190x3, 190x3, 190x3
Military press:2x4

Post workout shake

Sad day for me because this is my last workout on my own before I have to do the sorry mandatory school workouts. Looking at the calculators, they say that my bench has gone up 15lbs, and my squat has gone up 25lbs! Sure they are just calculators but that was only one week of my own training. I am always stuck on a plateau with the school workouts. The next time I get a week break is spring break which is a long way away.

Same old workouts theyve been giving me. I did 315x8 on BOX squat today.

Did 335x6 on Box squat today. Im pretty much the only skill guy thats working his ass off at this time. I get some “good jobs” from coaches but not many. Too many politics of where Im from.