komy's road to wj

Sunday 23/1

Morning: Sprinting and Lifting (lower body)

2.5k jog
form drills x2x30m (fast)
4x10m practice starts

4x20m push up posn
4x20m stand start
2x4x (20E + 20F + 20E)

Snatch: 5x3reps all way up to 123Ibs

RDLs: 3x5@ 83, 3x4@ 103, 3x3@123Ibs

Parallel Squat: 3x5, 3x4, 3x3reps

Single Leg Curl: 3x8reps @decreasing weight


Medball: 5kg ball. Underhand forward throw 3x6reps

CCT training: 4stations. 20sec at each. 3sets. no rest

  1. press ups
  2. crunches
  3. burpees
  4. hypers

Bounding: (6hurdles) x6sets each workout

  1. double leg vertical jump
  2. double leg horizontal jump
  3. double leg vertical jump (higher)
  4. double leg vertical jump with alternating height (high low …)

Block drill: x15starts + lots of technical work

Monday 24/1

Morning: Lifting (Upper Body)

Incline press: 3x5@ 60kg, 3x4@80kg, 3x3@ 90kg pb , 3x2@95kg with help

Lat Pull Down (back): 3x8reps @40, 50, 60kg

Seated Rows: 3x8reps @ 40, 50, 60kg


2x3x200m rep:walk 200 set: full recovery

1st set: 25, 27, 27
2nd set: 27, 28, 26

Stadium Stairs: x3sets

  1. lunge big steps (24steps)
  2. sprint small steps (too many)
  3. Star jump big steps (24 steps)

Finally im able to post again i had to save my past sessions on the computer so i dont forget wat im doin with all the double sessions per day. overall my training has been going very good. im still at my gpp so stressing my body everyday is not a problem. im splitting my weight training to upper and lower body with primary and secondar lifts to spread the CNS stress and allow my body to put in to more important stuff like developing my acceleration. tempo sessions have been going very good apart from the lactic acid accumulation after 300s, apparently im never out of breath but its just the lactic acid that saturates in my whole leg. so today i did this session where its purely lactic acid tolerance, done at a faster pace than usual, with a full recovery between sets to allow for a good form during the second set. my times didnt turn out so bad but after the first set i was dying from the lactic acid. it took me arounds 15minutes to recover to able to perform the second set. i guess this is definitely someting that i need to work on. wat was weird was how in the second set i couldnt feel any lactic in my muscles until the last run that i performed in 26 seconds. i think im going to go for that session every monday as of now just to monitor my progress in those and for the sake of the 400s that i should be running early in the season.

looking at the overall trnd in my training so far i can see that my lifting has definitely caught up pretty fast and i was really surprised considering that i havent lifted for the past five months.
cct sessions are very good my breath is even hardly getting higher so wat m going to do i tihink is take it up to 30sec and see what happens then.
bounds are defnitely getting back to where they were and hopefully better i was actually surprised at how high i was able to jump ths hurdles last night.
my sprints i feel are somewat more refined esp my technique but the times are obviously not showing from all the stress that im putting on my body. so i should worry about those later on.
tempo is very good now, im cruising easy 13s in the 100 now (now its not allowed) but sometmes i run it unconciously, i need to start getting a faster pace for the 200 and the 300s def need working on esp with the lactic acid accumulation that needs A LOT of work. other than that im very happy with where i am right now and i hope for this improvement to keep progressing all the way to summer.

Tuesday 25/1

Morning: Sprints and Lifting (Lower body)

2.5k run
form drills x2x30m (fast)
4x10m practise runs

6x10m lie of front
6x10m push up posn
6x20m push ups posn
6x20m with 4kg vest
4x (20E + 20F + 20E)

Power Snatch: 3x3 @85Ibs

Parallel Squats: 3x5 @162Ibs

RDLs: 3x5@145Ibs

Single leg curls: 3x8reps


Medball: 5kg ball. 3x6reps (explosive) rest:1min

  1. Underhand forwrd throw
  2. Overhead forward throw
  3. Overhead backward throw

Circuit Training: 4stations. 20sec each. 3sets. no rest

  1. Press ups
  2. Crunches
  3. Burpees
  4. Hypers

Bounding: 6hurdles x6sets. set: 5min

  1. Double leg vertical bound (low height)
  2. Double horizontal bound
  3. Double leg vertical bound (heigh)
  4. Double leg vertical bound (low height low high etc…)

Block drill: x10starts plus some technical work

sprint training this morning was going very good im feeling much more powerful driving out plus my overall reaction time from variousl posn has improved. wat ive really accomplished so far was the fact im able to put my body in a proper running posn way before my partners and hence i get to run much faster times. i was knackered by the time i got to the flying runs so i ended up running 2.17 which was the fastest flying 20m time for all the runs, i wasnt really dissapointed from the time considering how heavy im feeling from the oveall load. my technique was surprisingly good so i wont be complaining. the last 50m i ended up running in 6.12 seconds. i drove out properly and maintained my drive for atleast 35m which was good but the overall time was not so impressive.

my lifting today was absolute crap, my traps were really sore from the power snatch from the other day so i couldnt rest the bar on my shoulders properly cause it was making me really sore, so instead i added in another set of deads and performed the leg curls and i was done with the morning session.it was getting too much by then.

the afternoon session was just like the other day. medballs are going fine and so is my cct training i cant complain about that. bounds were very good i was able to perform at higher heights than the previous session so there definitely is improvement. i just need to keep loading myself for a few more weeks before i start resting my body.

Wednesday 26/1

Morning: Lifting (Upper Body)

Bench press: 3x5 @60, 3x4 @80, 3x3 @100, 3x2 @110kg

Lat Pull Down (front): 3x8reps @40, 40, 60kg

Seated Rows: 3x8reps @40, 50, 60kg

Evening: Tempo (cover 1 lap, 400m) 5min between workouts

  1. run 100, walk back 50 (15s)

  2. jog 100 run 100 (14, 16)

  3. jog 200 run 200 (30)

  4. jog 100 run 300 (50)

  5. run 400 (68)

lifting in the morning was better than last time, the last 3sets were much more controlled than the other day despite all the loading im currently suffering.

tempo session was somewat different in style. my coach wanted us to feel or develop a sense for running the whole lap so this is what he made us do. i was shocked with how horrible the times turned out to be but i must say that i was feeling pretty knackered before i started the workout. what was good was he fact i couldnt feel any lactic build up in my muscles but i was getting out of breath and wasnt even properly recovered during the rest time. im not so dissapointed with the 400 god i havent ran one in practise in more than 1.5yrs but 68seconds is not that bad of a start. couldnt run any stadium stairs today cause i was just dead after the workout. will rest tonight in hope to come back tomorow and run faster times in my sprinting.

Thursday 27/1

Morning: Lifting (Lower Body) and Sprints

Power Snatch: 5x3reps @123Ibs

RDLs: 5x123, 4x173, 3x193, 2x213Ibs

Single leg curls: 3x8reps

Single leg extensions; 3x8reps

form drills x2x40m
4x10m practise starts

4x20m push up posn
2x20m stand
4x (20E + 20F + 20E)
4x (20F + 20E + 20F)

lifting went great i practised a lot of technique on my power snatch lift and m learning by the session. i kinda had stuff to sort out which was why i had to do my lifting before my running but will NOT do so again cause i just couldnt run properly i was literally dead plus the fact i forgot to bring my spikes along to practise made it much worse. i ended up only running one of the second set of the 20F + 20E +20F cause i could feel my right hamstring sore so i called it quits. it definitely needs a lot of strengthening to balance with the right leg and to produce bigger strides. im really trying to work on all my weak spots here so that when the holidays are over i can start really taking up all my training components to the next level, but before so everything shouls be put in place mainly being my hamstrings, lactic tolerance and tempo runs (aerobic fitness). got couple more weeks to target those and then after than i think i can start on the specific prep and small meets. cant wait to start on those, its just a matter of time though. excellent training week overall

Saturday 29/1

Morning: Sprints and Lifting (Upper Body)

2.5k run
form drills x2x40m (fast)
4x10m practise starts

6x10m lie of front
6x10m push up posn
6x20m push ups posn
6x20m with stand start
4x (20E + 20F + 20E)

Bench press: 3x5 @60kg, 3x4 @80kg, 3x3 @100kg, 3x2 @110kg

Lat Pull Down (front): 3x8reps @40, 50, 60kg

Seated Rows: 3x8reps @40, 50, 60kg


Medball: heavy 5kg ball. 3x6reps. rest:1min

  1. Underhand forward throw
  2. Overhead forward throw

Circuit training: 6sets. 5min between 3sets
1st 3 sets @25sec. 2nd 3 sets @15sec

  1. Press ups
  2. Crunches
  3. burpees
  4. Hypers

Bounding: 6hurldes x6sets. rep: walk back. set:5min

  1. Double leg vertical jump (low height for warm up)

  2. Double leg horizontal jump

  3. double leg vertical jump (low heigh low heigh etc)

Block drills: fall on mat placed in sand pit

it wasnt the best start of the week since i could feel all heavy and unflexibile from last weeks hard training. i dont mind all the loading and stress that im under. it should only happen for the next three weeks including this and then will be back to the single sessions where i will alternate between high and low intensity sessions in preperation for my winter season. the times during my sprinting were pretty mesed up, but i was glad i was able to pick up some fast times in between the runs, so today i ran a best of 1.78 for 10m, 2.87 for 20m, flying 20m was only 2.20 which is pretty crap but i was dead by then, and 6.20 for the 50m which is pethatic really but this should slowly fade away as i start to drop my overall training volume. to be honest considering my physical state i was expecting some faster times than this but oh well…

lifting went as good as usual, i was finally able to alter my weekly routine so that im performing upper body weights after my spriting cause it was seriously getting to me by the end of last week. so tomorow the lower body lifting shold not be as tough when combined with a tempo session.

afternoons session went very good as well. i was very exlosive with all my throws with the medball and i could feel my overall power much better than where i were last season. circuit session went very good i was easily able to cope with the 25sec circuits with equal numbers of repitions throughout all 3sets. and again the bounding went vey good and i could easily myself jumping higher with more confidence and better technique within the next weeks. good session overall. and really hope that i can produce some faster tmes for my tempo session tomorow

this should be the last week of the 3cycle of MAX strength training. will drop down the volume and intensity of the lifts next week in order to allow my body to overcompensate and hence able to produce more quality lifts over the last 3week cycle. i can see my lifts go up easily for the last 3weeks and i cant wait to start working on raw power and see my tack times drop with those.

Sunday 30/1 Tempo

2x10x100m rest: 30sec

was tough session with such a short recovery, again with the 100s it was just getting out of breath during the last few runs of each set but i made sure that my technique was flawing through all the runs esp the last one of each set. the runs were at high 14s to low 15s, which is not bad with such a recovery. had no time to perform any form of exercises since the recovery was so short, but im thinking maybe in a few weeks with increased fitness and adaptation i should be able to. had no time to do any lower body lifting but will make up for it. looking forward to a good sprinting session tomorow.

Monday 31/1

Morning: Sprinting

10min jog
form drills x2x30m
4x10m practise runs

2x (4x60m)

weather was very crap, a lot of rain plus for some reason we practised early in the morning and my body was defnitely asleep. my times were absolut crap so i called it quits after the second 60m. i went home and didnt do any lifitng as well, my psycho was real low!

Evening: Lifting (Upper body) and Sprints

Incline press: 3x5 @60kg, 3x4@70kg, 3x3@80kg, 2x2@90kg, 2x100kg pb

Lat Pull Down (back): 3x8reps up to 60kg

Seated rows: 3x8reps up to 60kg

Medball: 5kg ball. 3x6reps. 1min rest

  1. Underhand forward throw
  2. Overhead forward throw

form drills x2x30m (fast)
4x10m practise starts
3x50m build ups

4x60m 7.09 sb, 6.79 sb, 6.32 (wind aided), 6.58 New Personal Best

wow wow wow! finally able to pull out something big. dont know where the hell all those runs came from, im very happy with my performance. now wat i need to do is focus more on pulling some faster times. lifting is going very good, and looking forward to relax through all my tempo runs tomorow. will see how things go…

Tuesday 1/2 Tempo

9x200m @ 30sec rest: 3min

weather was somewat cold today but i tried to make sure that my technique was flawing besides the wind. my recovery was good all the way but was getting a bit intense over the last three runs. excellent cardioworkout though

Wednesday 2/2

Morning: Lifting (Upper Body)

Bench press: 3x5 @60kg, 3x4 @80kg, 3x3@100kg, 3x2 @110kg

Lat Pull Down (front): 3x8reps p to 60kg

Seated Rows: 3x8reps up to 60kg

Evening: Sprints

2.5k run

medball: 3x6reps. 5kg ball

  1. Underhand forward throw
  2. Overhead forward throw
  3. Vertical throw

form drills: x2x30m (fast)
4x10m practise runs
3x50m build ups

2x30m 3.91, 3.80 sb
4x40m 4.89, 4.85 sb , 4.94, 4.87
4x50m 5.96, 5.97, 5.91 sb , no time
4x60m 7.51, 7.22, 7. 15, 7.10 (Including reaction time!)

Circuit training: 6sets. 5min between 3sets
1st 3 sets @20sec. 2nd 3 sets @10sec

  1. Press ups
  2. Crunches
  3. burpees
  4. Hypers

Bounding: 4 hurdles. x4reps

  1. Double leg vertical jump

  2. Double leg horizontal jump

  3. double leg vertical jump (gradual height increase)

today was just my day. the fact im doing sprints sprints in the evening now as compared to the morning is obviously showing now. i ran season bests is evey distance today besides the 60m which by the time i got to was dead, but those times included reaction times so i couldve easily cruised sub sevens as well. im really focussing on my technique as much as possible, relaxing my upper body and driving out properly, smoothly and efficiently. i need to learn to accelerate over a bigger distance and to do that i need to get stronger in the weights room. ive neglected lower body lifitng all week simply cause after my tempo sessions im too exhausted to do anything, but ive replaced it with circuit training and bounding drills over hurdles. i can feel my overall fitness is improving and my general conditioning is well on target. my hamstring are really tight so im hoping tomorows tempo session would be relaxing so i can come back next saturday with an excellent sprints session.

Thursday 3/2 Tempo

2x3x300m @ 50sec rep: 3min set: 5min

instead i ended up running 46, 46, 49, 50, 51, 50sec. so the avergae of those times would equal 48seconds which is my target pace number. i need to gradually work up to it though. i told my partner to take it easy to begin with but he wouldnt listen so we ended up running the fastest times at the start and then we got ourselves tired by the third run so we had to split the six 300s over two sets. next session i will make sure im consistent with the pace to begin with just like i did with the 200s last tempo session. im very happy to say that i felt the slightest bit of lactic acid and i was well recovered during the 3min. i know i wont be able to do any lifting tonight but ill definitely make up for it next week. will rest tomorow and hopefully come back with new pbs on saturday. i cant wait already …

Saturday 5/2

2.5k jog
form drills x2x40m
4x10m practise starts

medball workout; 5kg ball. 3x6reps. rest:1min

  1. Underhand forward throw
  2. Overhead forward throw
  3. Vertical throw


Power Snatch: 4x3reps @30, 40, 50, 60kg

Bench Press: 5x60, 4x80, 3x100, 2x120kg (with help)

RDLs: 3x5reps @80kg

Lat Pull down (front): 3x8reps up to 70kg

After my warm up and form drills i noticed that my left hamstring was very tight, it was very strange considering thursdays workout was my tempo and was just fine, i chilled on friday which is my rest day so i dont really understand how it could be hurting. the weather was ver cold and was raining today as well so i definitely didnt want to risk injuring myself so i just my medball workout and then went straight into the gym where i performed my overall workout routine. i should start competing very soon so what im going t do is start alternating with high and low intensity sessions and drop the double sessions cause its about time i start tapering down a bit in preperation for the meets. if things workout well i should run a 300m test trial with the under 16s this thursday so im really looking forward for this since ive never really ran this distance at 100% before. i just hope that my hamstring recovers well in time for it. my sessions as of now will be the typical CFTS, where id perform my sprints followed by lifting, and then next day recover myself through a nice tempo workout. lifting has gone very good today as well so i hope i can keep up the work and refine my olympic lifts technique more so i can take my overall power up to the next level.

Sunday 6/2 Tempo

2.5k jog
form drills x40m (slow)

2x10x100m @16sec rest:30sec set: 5min

Circuit training: 6sets. 5min between 3sets
1st 3 sets @25sec. 2nd 3 sets @20sec

  1. Press ups
  2. Crunches
  3. burpees
  4. Hypers

very relaxing session, funny enough the strain in my hamstring has somewat moved down to just behind my knees, so i dont know whats really going on. thats why i took it easy with the 100s cause i dont want to risk anything. i have no clue of what to expect tomorow, but if im not 100% recovered then im definitely not sprinting, i know plenty of ways to make up for it through explosive medball throws, bounds and lifting. i was happy with my overall performance and those circuits were really getting to me at the end but i fought my way through them. guess will have to wait and see how things are tomorow

Monday 7/2

2.5k jog
form drils x2x40m (fast)

Medball Workout: 3x6reps with 5kg ball

  1. Underhand forward throw
  2. Overhead forward throw
    4x10m practise starts

4x10m from lie
4x10m from push up posn
4x20m from push up posn


Incline Press: 5x70, 4x80, 3x90, 2x100kg

High Pulls: 4x3reps up to 70kg

Seated rows: 3x8reps up to 70kg

i warmed up very well and my hamstrings was not feeling any sore. it wasnt until after the first set of the 10s that my leg felt funny, i carried on practising (which is very stupid) until the 20s and i called it quits, my coach had more set for me but when told him he told me to go to the weights room and finish off there. didnt really hit the weights hard cause i felt like my hamstring was bothering me whenever i moved, so i definitely didnt perform the 4x4reps of jump squats that i was ment to do today. will hit tempo tomorow

Tuesday 8/2 Tempo

10x200m on grass rest: 1.5-2min

Multi hip machine: 10reps on every muscle (adductors, abductors, hams, quads)

Massage therapy for 45min

that was an extremely relaxing sessin. the therapist told me that he’d found stumbles down my hamstrings, i told him i guess cause been training arounds 6hours a day for the past three weeks. told him im taking it easy now, with one session a day and alternating between high and low intensity days. though i know for sure that i need arounds two sessions per week of this therapy cause my guess is that my muscles are very sensitive to sprinting, and need to be properly recvered besides tempo. will go out tomorow looking for an EMS unit, ive read the whole chapter in CFTS and i figured i could definitely use it esp on my hamstrings for strengthening and relaxing on tempo days. no sprinting tomorow, need to take it easy for this week atleast and then see where i can go from there. depends really on how well my hamstrings recover.

Wednesday 9/2

Medball throws: 3x6reps using 5kg ball

1.Underhand forward throw
2. Overhead forward thrw
3. Vertical throw

Bounding: using eight hurdles. x4sets

  1. at low height
  2. at high height

that was it basically i just didnt feel like i could do any more. my body definitely needed some rest, so basically ive trained very hard for 3weeks, chilled for this week (week4) and then will hit hard training again as of saturday. will take the weekends off in hope that my body is full recovered and ready to perform again once i start hitting on speed endurance. im done with GPP as of now, hope ive done enough by intensifying the sessions and doing double sessions per day. ive ran new times in the 60m during high loads which was my MAIN target for the GPP and i guess that was well achieved. my training now will include one top speed and speed endurance session up to 80m, one speed endurance session performed at max effort up to 150m and one lactic tolerance session through 200 runs at 85-90% intensities. im really looking forward to the next three weeks of training, and ill see where my fitness will be at when i get there to know if i can take things to the next level or still work more on my current targets. i hopefully expect myself by the third week to have run under 8.7seconds for 80m, sub 2.9 for flying 30m, and under 16seconds for 150m. if those targets are achieved by then my training is going perfect. will just have to wait and see, its going to be a strong fight but im not willing to lose, im gona fight it all the way to the end until i achieve perfection!

Saturday 12/2

2.5k jog
form drills x2x30m

tachnical work on blocks with couple of starts

4x10m with blocks

1x60m (30m accelerate + 30m maintain)

i couldnt complete todays session because the weather kept getting worse and worse, until it was raining so heavy that i could hardly even SEE my own coach. so i called it quits. sad to admit my hamstring felt funny during that 60 just as i finished accelerating at the 30m. i dont know if its the weather or my weak muscle, all i know is that im FUKIN sick of injures and im not going to lie around and see it happen. i definitely need to start on EMS ASAP but i dont think i can afford it at the time. will see if i an get access to any money. i just dont know wat the hell is wrong, i mean i did sprint training three times a week with tempo runs in between, been strengthening my hamstring through deads and leg curls, wat is wrong???

Sunday 13/2 Tempo on grass


with 20crunshes before and after each run

  • : walk 50m
    set: walk 100m


Power Snatch: 2x5x30, 2x4x35, 2x3x40, 2x2x45, 2x50kg

Bench Press: 2x5x60, 2x4x70, 2x3x80, 2x3x90, 3x100kg

RDLs: 2x5x70kg, 2x3x90kg

Single leg extensions: 3x10reps

Single leg curls: 3x10reps

good workout today. tempo sessions were definitely harder than i expected. the walk 50m recovery along with the situps made the workout very tough. also the fact of a faster 100m pace run as compared to the longer 200m pace made the workout very challenging, and not just to stick to one pace and hold it for the entire workout. i rested for 10minutes and then started lifting. for some reason i felt weak in the weights room today and you can tell by my ver gradual increases in weights, ex 10kg per set in the bench press as compared to my usual 20kg jump per set. could it be the tempo runs that really got to me OR the fact i havent supplemented with aminos in almost 2weeks now?? i know though that my hamstring is not fit enough for tomorows 150m special endurance runs. i dont want to hurt myself, i can wait a few more days but not weeks! will see how things go.

in the mean time are you treating it like a grade 1 strain? Ice, etc.