Saturday 29/1
Morning: Sprints and Lifting (Upper Body)
2.5k run
form drills x2x40m (fast)
4x10m practise starts
6x10m lie of front
6x10m push up posn
6x20m push ups posn
6x20m with stand start
4x (20E + 20F + 20E)
Bench press: 3x5 @60kg, 3x4 @80kg, 3x3 @100kg, 3x2 @110kg
Lat Pull Down (front): 3x8reps @40, 50, 60kg
Seated Rows: 3x8reps @40, 50, 60kg
Medball: heavy 5kg ball. 3x6reps. rest:1min
- Underhand forward throw
- Overhead forward throw
Circuit training: 6sets. 5min between 3sets
1st 3 sets @25sec. 2nd 3 sets @15sec
- Press ups
- Crunches
- burpees
- Hypers
Bounding: 6hurldes x6sets. rep: walk back. set:5min
Double leg vertical jump (low height for warm up)
Double leg horizontal jump
double leg vertical jump (low heigh low heigh etc)
Block drills: fall on mat placed in sand pit
it wasnt the best start of the week since i could feel all heavy and unflexibile from last weeks hard training. i dont mind all the loading and stress that im under. it should only happen for the next three weeks including this and then will be back to the single sessions where i will alternate between high and low intensity sessions in preperation for my winter season. the times during my sprinting were pretty mesed up, but i was glad i was able to pick up some fast times in between the runs, so today i ran a best of 1.78 for 10m, 2.87 for 20m, flying 20m was only 2.20 which is pretty crap but i was dead by then, and 6.20 for the 50m which is pethatic really but this should slowly fade away as i start to drop my overall training volume. to be honest considering my physical state i was expecting some faster times than this but oh well…
lifting went as good as usual, i was finally able to alter my weekly routine so that im performing upper body weights after my spriting cause it was seriously getting to me by the end of last week. so tomorow the lower body lifting shold not be as tough when combined with a tempo session.
afternoons session went very good as well. i was very exlosive with all my throws with the medball and i could feel my overall power much better than where i were last season. circuit session went very good i was easily able to cope with the 25sec circuits with equal numbers of repitions throughout all 3sets. and again the bounding went vey good and i could easily myself jumping higher with more confidence and better technique within the next weeks. good session overall. and really hope that i can produce some faster tmes for my tempo session tomorow