Monday 22/11
2.5k jog 11.15min
tempo 10x100m rest: 10push ups one side, 20 crunshes other side
cct training: 3sets no rest between.
- press ups 20, 15, 10reps
- crunshes 20, 15, 10reps
- burpees 15, 10, 5 reps
- hyperextensions 20, 15, 10reps
medball cct: 5kg ball and 3kg ball, alternate between. 10reps x2sets. rest 30sec
(max effort with each throw)
underhand forward throw
chest pass
overhead forward throw
overhead backward throw
tempo 6x100m rest: 10push ups one side, 20 crunshes other side
Lifting (lower body)
pull-ups: 1x10,8,6,4,2,2
leg press:
4x10 @90Ibs
4x8 @160Ibs
4x6 @210Ibs
4x4 @260Ibs
4x2 @280Ibs
leg extensions: 3x15reps
leg curl: 3x15reps
was raining today but i fund it fun to be honest, first raining session, its why i ended my session with 6x100 in tempo and not my regular 10 cause it was getting pretty damn heavy. my training is going good and more importantly my fitness. i know i can fater in tempo but i just dont wana rush anything, things are slowly coming back. i need to do more of todays training though, and more importantly do atleast twice per week the 5k runs that i used to do cause now m running the 2.5k alone slower than a 2.5k split during a 5k run which means that ive actually lost a lot during my foot recovery. it helps me lose body fat and at the same time enhances my overall being, so its not the kinda thing id think of as slowing me down and convering fibres and shit. will increase tempo volume gradually as my level progresses. gym work is great and started doing heavier weights at the leg press, will start frm now and see if i can get back to my max hopefully by new years, then will maintain that in preparation for indoors in early feb. as of yet, focus is to get back to where i was before injury and work my way from there.