komy's road to wj

Monday 22/11

2.5k jog 11.15min

tempo 10x100m rest: 10push ups one side, 20 crunshes other side

cct training: 3sets no rest between.

  1. press ups 20, 15, 10reps
  2. crunshes 20, 15, 10reps
  3. burpees 15, 10, 5 reps
  4. hyperextensions 20, 15, 10reps

medball cct: 5kg ball and 3kg ball, alternate between. 10reps x2sets. rest 30sec
(max effort with each throw)

underhand forward throw
chest pass
overhead forward throw
overhead backward throw

tempo 6x100m rest: 10push ups one side, 20 crunshes other side

Lifting (lower body)

pull-ups: 1x10,8,6,4,2,2

leg press:
4x10 @90Ibs
4x8 @160Ibs
4x6 @210Ibs
4x4 @260Ibs
4x2 @280Ibs

leg extensions: 3x15reps
leg curl: 3x15reps

was raining today but i fund it fun to be honest, first raining session, its why i ended my session with 6x100 in tempo and not my regular 10 cause it was getting pretty damn heavy. my training is going good and more importantly my fitness. i know i can fater in tempo but i just dont wana rush anything, things are slowly coming back. i need to do more of todays training though, and more importantly do atleast twice per week the 5k runs that i used to do cause now m running the 2.5k alone slower than a 2.5k split during a 5k run which means that ive actually lost a lot during my foot recovery. it helps me lose body fat and at the same time enhances my overall being, so its not the kinda thing id think of as slowing me down and convering fibres and shit. will increase tempo volume gradually as my level progresses. gym work is great and started doing heavier weights at the leg press, will start frm now and see if i can get back to my max hopefully by new years, then will maintain that in preparation for indoors in early feb. as of yet, focus is to get back to where i was before injury and work my way from there.

Tuesday 23/11 Rest

wednesday 24/11

2.5k jog

tempo 3x10x100m @15/16sec 10pushups one side, 20crunshes other. rest:1min

cct training: 3sets no rest between. (twice! rest 3min)

  1. press ups 20, 15, 10reps
  2. crunshes 20, 15, 10reps
  3. burpees 15, 10, 5 reps
  4. hyperextensions 20, 15, 10reps

medball cct: 3kg ball x10reps x2sets

underhand forward throw
chest pass
overhead forward throw
overhead backward throw

explosive medball situps 3x20
russian twists 2x20
leg raises 5x20
pull ups: 1x10,8,6,4,2

man what a workout! last set of tempo runs were too much, had no poblem with lacic and cold hold well with the press ups and situps, it was just that i was getting out of breath so bad, like i was doing a 10k run or something and coud feel this pain at the side that was just killing, it went alright though and i managaed to keep the times fixed and run the last one at 4 just to prove to myself that i still have so much more. i so was tempted to run fast at times but really had t be patient and not force things. this 3x10x100m session will be the key session to improve on, hopefully in a month time will average 14s in the and and only 30sec recoveries! as a summary for the whole workout:

total tempo distance: 3000m
total push ups: 240
total ab work: 760
total med ball throws: 180

very classic for myself just looking at those figures. hopefully much more to come as my fitness progresses

Keep up the good work Komy. I see that your fitness will sky rocket through your work. But take care. A lot of low intensity work can do against you. I’m sure you know that. So just put in something to balance. Its just what I think. take care and keep going. Good Luck

well first of all welcome back! where u been all that time? how did ur competitions go? anyways man my foot is still recovering so i dont wana go hard on it until im sure its 100%, right now i can figure its arounds 95% so i dont want to mess up anything as of yet

Saturday 27/11

2.5k jog 9.40min sb

12x100m 10pushups one side 20crunshes on other side no rest
cct training: 20sec, 15sec, 10sec per set. 1set equals 3rounds ie 12exercises

  1. press ups
  2. crunshes
  3. burpees
  4. hyperextensions

5x20 sit-ups

total press ups: 300!
total sit ups: 640

nice workout. really starting to get the hang of it. the 9.40 in the 2.5k st the start of the session really showed that my aerobics are back pretty well so that should not be of any concern anymore. qs is how is my speed doing now? i havent done that in a long time. i will give it this week and start as of next one. should be a high volume as well to develp anaerobic qualities. well lets say im really proud of where i am right now

Sunday 28/11

2.5k jog in 11.50min

tempo 15x100m @15/16 10press ups one side 20crunshes other. rest 1min

well i was ment the usual 3x10x100m but unfortunately my stomach was so sore i coldnt keep my training going. so i went home, got some medicine and went to sleep. was ment to lifit after my tempo session but will make up the session on tuesday. right now im just feeling dead!

Monday 29/11 rest (still felt sick)

Tuesday 30/11

2.5k jog 10.45min

tempo 3x10x100m @15/16sec 10pushups one side, 20crunshes other. rest:1min

Lifting (endurance). rest: not more than 30sec!

bench press:
5x10 @85Ibs
5x15 @105Ibs
5x20 @85Ibs (ouch!)

shoulder press: 15kg db. 4x15reps

military press: 15kg db. 4x15reps

i couldnt lift anymore since i had to take off! anyways abot the tempo the first set i consider pretty much a warmup, the second being the session, and the last being a challenge. i know for a fact that doing this with no training partner is impossible! they’re so many and need patientce and determination. i never feel any lactic build up, but i feel so out of breath esp in the final set i sometimes feel this pain at my side like i been jogging for an hour. so i guess its really working the necessary aerobics that will be needed to take myself up to the next level. lifting was cool i had no problems with that.

Wednesday 1/12

Pull ups: 12,10,8,6,4,2

20min on bike

15min on rowing machine

i swear i felt like doing absolutely nothing today, i was bit sore and the weather was not helping as well so i just though id go to the gym, did few pull ups and then rode the bike for 20min for general conditioning and acid flush, then rowing machine to losen up upper body. all went good. tempo tomorow, again!

Saturday 4/12

10min jog

cct training. 4stations. 20sec. 3sets contionous no rest

  1. press ups
  2. crunshes
  3. burpees
  4. hypers

3x10x10m with 5kg Vest. rep:walk back. set:5min.10push ups b4 each run

stadium stairs. (23 big steps) 3sets each workout

  1. lunge
  2. run up
  3. sprint up
  4. star jumps

total press ups: 390! pb
total situps: 90

was an exellent session. to start off my stretching is getting back to where it used to be so that is good to start off with. the circuits now are much much better than what they used to be, although i see the fact i didnt do em in arounds a month since my injury but they are doing just fine, my press ups were fixed 30 in all sets plus i went for burpees till the last second and there was room for plenty more. the sprints were amazing, im slowly working my anaerobic fitness whilst developing my starting power and acceleration form, i perform 10pushups before each run for upper body strength and fitness but more importantly to put my body in a posn that is low so as to train my body to accelerate from there which is like having the starting blocks. it teaches forward lean and proper acceleration mechanics. they went pretty fine and my recovery was so not a problem, that was beyond my expectations to be honest. now come the stadium stairs, will hit on those since unfortunately couldnt get access to any hills, all ones i found were too sandy so would limit my speed work and maybe even slow me down. so stadium stairs was another alternative. started off with lunges to teach myself the drive phase, being low and still use the power in the legs, which is going to be my main priority during gpp. running and sprinting up was no problem neither was the recovery, problem came with the star jumps. anytime i hopped or bound those stairs i went for half if not a quarter squat. the start jump forced me to touch the floor whilst jump up as high as i can and open my arms and legs, this didnt just kill me it was rape! my recovery had to be longer arounds 3-4min but i was glad i could perform 3sets. my legs were literally shacking though after my workout. other than that was a very good session, tempo tomorow and will try and do my lifting after tempo if im not going to be dead. and will alternate between this training and tempo all week round. i can see my overall being getting better, better shape enhanced fitness, time t start working on the proper qualities for sprinting. i will train in a way to be a sprinter, not a specific 100m runner, so i should even expect desent 400s next year. all depends on my training, my focus would just to do my best to eat properly and stay injury free.

Sunday 5/12

10min jog

2x10x100m rest:1min. 10 push ups one side 20 crunshes other side

i couldnt believe how sore i was frm yesterdays workout, like i havent trained in a month, hamstrings quads delts traps it was terrible. my stretches took forever and still was not as good as expected, even during my tempo runs i think i started getting warmed up properly after the 5th 100 or so, before that my stride was so short and i could just feel mself not moving, i think they averahed mid 17s if not 18s, but then i cruised 15s throughout the second set. i couldve gone for one more but time was running short so i had to call it off. very good session though, my overall recovery was not a problem at all and the workouts before and after each run are becoming like a very normal routine that is not bothering me any more. i dont think im gona have time tomorow to hit the track unfortunately so i think im gona catch up with my lifting. work the whole body in high sets and finish off with a cool down. weight dropping and muscles tuning, just what im looking for at this point in my training

Monday 6/12 Lifting (Endurance)

parallel squat: 5x10reps @85kg

leg press: 2x10 reps @150kg, 3x10reps @170kg

db shoulder press: 4x10reps with 15kg db

straight arm db raise: 3x10reps with 10kg db

bench press: 5x10reps @40kg

single leg extension: 3x10reps @15kg

single leg curls: 3x10reps @10kg

was alright but i felt like my overall strength was somewat not there, mainly cause i been doing light lifts with high reps but i think its arounds time i start really the proper lifting routine, the kinda shit that im used to. wat i plan is to eep one endurance lifting session and start working on strength the other two sessions and will see where ill go from that. i need to put in much more effort in the leg extensions and curls, i think its pretty pethatic wat loads im working with. as of next week will start shifting my training routine, so it should look something like this:

sat: tempo (100s and 200s) stadium stairs

sun: ccts, sprints with vest, lifting

mon: tempo (3x10x100m) hurdles

tues: ccts, sprints with vest, lifting

wed: tempo (100s and 200s) stadium stairs

thurs: ccts, sprints with vest, lifitng

fri: rest

that way i can focus more on my lifting since it going to be after my sprinting so im doing a high intensity day followed by a lighter less stressive tempo and bounds session. will start incorporating 200s in my tempo training, with a 2min rest and hopefully watch my times drop down as my fitness goes up. as with the lifting, mainly will be on squats, deads, bench and snatch. with may be supplementart lifts like lat pull downs and bent rows, extensions and curls. depends how time holds. other than that trying to do my best with diet and i see my weight going down and my overall upper body mass reduced but more tuned which is what i been looking for. tempo tomorow, hope all goes well…

Tuesday 7/12 tempo

3x10x100m @15sec rest:1min. 10pressups one end 20crunshes other end

i forced myself this time to pace all my runs at fifteen, obviously was running out of breath at end of each set but i made sure my recovery was 1min and all runs at 15 which shows a big improvement in my fitness. again 30 hundreds are too many and thy get so boring its unbeleivable just running back and forth but its very essential at this point in my training plus its getting me prepared for the 200s as of next week.

total press ups: 150
total crunshes: 300

sounds like a good workout :slight_smile:

wednesday 8/12 rest

Thursday 9/12 Tempo

2x10x100m @15sec rest:1min. 10pressups one end 20crunshes other end

nice easy workout, was too hot though. can see my overall fitness in a much better shape than just two weeks ago. will stat adding 200s during my tempo sessions as of saturday. hope goes well. will rest tomorow as well. had plenty of work to get sorted yesterday so had no time to practise . will make up for it as of next week.

Saturday 11/12 tempo

2x10x100m @14/15sec rest:1min. 10pressups one end 20crunshes other end

hurdle bounds:
5hurdles, 10press ups b4, rep walk back. set 5min. 6repsx3sets

1x50m situps with various workouts
1x50m leg raises with various workouts
10min cool down

total press ups: 280
total sit ups: 300

tried forcing my pace even more which absolutely knackered me out. i swear i could feel a direct pain in my heart, not to mention my chest as well. but i got through it well running some low 14s as well which means that my overall fitness is much better now. i have to keep forcing myself though, there is so much room for improvement in the 100s, dunno what the hell im going to be facing when i start introducing 200s on mon with a 2min break. i decided to only do 2 sets so as to fit my hurldes work in, was pretty cool and i was able to maintain my technique over every hurdle, although my upper body and my egs as well were getting realy wasted during the last set. glad got through it though. im feeling its working very good for me so im going to have to keep hunting it until its there and then maintain it, just need to get my ass there first. sprinting tomorow, looking forward to it.

Sunday 12/12

form drills x1x50m (slow) walk back

Sprints with 5kg Vest. rep walk back. set 5min. 10press ups b4 each run


5min cool down.

tough ne that, unfortunatley no time for ccts nor gym this week too many exams. session was good though, press ups were no problem neither was my recovery, but could feel my leg getting heavy during the lasy set of 30s. need to do more and more speed work. tempo tomorow

Thursday 16/12

tempo 10x100 @13/14 sec.rest 1min. 10pressups one end.20crunshes other end.

only did one set so really tried to push myself and run faster than i ususally do. i feel much lighter and definitely more in shape. my technique is slowly coming back and i was able to relax my upeer body through all the runs and try and maintain a high knee lift throughot the whole distance. wasted three whole days of practise cause had loads of exams, but will make up for it as of next week hopefully.

Saturday 18/12 Tempo

10push ups before each run
100: 1min. 200: 2min

stadium stairs: x3sets. rest: walk back
sprint small steps
sprint big steps
star jumps

man i couldnt imagine how messed up my 200s were. i thought that for some reason i was going to get hooked up through the 100s, it obviously helped but it just seemed to me like a total different scenario. during my fourth 200 i felt some lactic accumulation that faded away after the 2min rest, but hey my 200 times averaged 32! these need to drop down four seconds atleast. im not going to rush anything though, all i care about is to run the distance and maintain the rest. the times will surely drop by through practise same way my 100m times did. my target is to keep pushing those 200s until i can drop a fixed 27sec pace! . only then id know im fit enough for the 200m. then would work my way up to 400m and vary the distances depending on my taining demands. all i can do for now is maintain a good diet, be patient and not rush things.

Sunday 19/12

2.5k jog
form drills x30m
4x10m practise runs

3x (10+20+30+40+50m) rep:walk back. set:5min

10min cool down

okay now there are a few good things to comment on and there are other things that really need working on. first of all my 10m runs were 1.64, 1.60 and 1.51! although i dont feel much power in my start, the fact i havent been consistent with my lifting and not doing any heavy lifitng but anyways but the times promise good indications. my 20s averaged 2.7s and the 30s averaged 3.8s all in low 3.8s even. then came the 40m and those averaged 4.9s and finally the 50m which i know i probably didnt even run under the 6seconds but only timed one and was 6.18. now looking at these stats i note the following

  1. strong start not necessarliy powerful, no weight training but my only explanation is loss of weight

  2. i can feel better coordination during my start and the fact im running over the line is helping me not waste time from going side to side

  3. as the distance progresses the split times are getting bigger which is a problem! this definitely shows that i need major work with the acceleration work, this should be developed through vests, elastic pulls, and mainly weight training

  4. after the 40m run my breathing gets heavy all of a sudden which is a major explanation of why my 50m times were high but indicates that i need major work on my anaerobic fitness

  5. i need to start incorporating proper plyometric and bounding drills to stimulate my explosive power and do some rope jumping to make myself lighter on the ground ie lower ground contact time

these were the major things that i have noticed that need change and consideration during the next period of time. i know i need miles of work to get where i want to be, right now aerobic and anaerobic fitness need serious hooking up before running into acceleration so will take it nice and easy and hopefully gradually see progression

Monday 20/12 Lifting (Endurance)

Pull-ups: 3x10

Db shoulder press: 3x15 with 20kg db

Db press: 3x20 with 20kg db

bent rows: 3x10reps 70Ibs

leg extenions: 3x10

leg curls: 3x10

inclined situps: 4x20reps

easy workout, needed to stimulate those muscles a bit though since havent lifted in prob just a week, plus the fact im so sore form yesterdays workouts (sprints) allowed me to only perform lighter weights with high reps. major sore muscle is the hamstrings and lower back. so im thinking Dead Lifts. easy light lifting for the end of the month then a 8 week Max Strength Phase should put us back right were we belong. im thinking of doing tempo work tomorow since im sore to do any sprints and had no chance of doing any today since was so cold and raining. hopefully weather should be better tomorow.