Keke's training journal / food log

First day of Accumulation phase. Train in the A.M.? YEAH RIGHT :D:D:D Went training at 20:00

First of all, this is the first time I started thinking, “hmm… I think I’ll do less than I planned” So that I won’t feel so exhausted at the end of my training, actually felt pretty good :slight_smile: Then again, if I had been exhausted from this workout then there would have to be something wrong with me!

Monday 4.1.2005

3xFlying 20’s

Note: Ortho’s solved my problem! YES!


I went really light, don’t wanna be sore as a … in the morning.

BB Close grip Bench 4x5 40-45-50-55kg
Db incline 1x15
Back Lat. pulldown 2x10 50-55kg
db. rows 1x10 (decided to backoff, shoulder started bothering)
BB Upright row 2x10 20-25kg

The weights are still VERY light, but I think I’ll start slowly building a solid base.

Recovery: Contrast shower

Gonna do Microstretching / core tomorrow morning, before studying.




  1. Oats
    Micellar Casein
    2 cups strawberries
    1 cup blueberries
    2 omega eggs

  2. Chicken Sandwich

  3. Handful of peanuts

  4. Chicken Sandwich

  5. Peanuts

  6. Can of tuna in oil

  7. 3 Omega eggs +1 tsp Canola Oil + ZMa

Looking at this, I have to say that I need to start eating more. But with my schedule I cannot spend too much time eating cooking / eating, might as well start drinking a lot more supplements. Some might say that I’m just making excuses, but if I don’t get into college this summer then I’m screwed… Studied 10½ hours today.

Take it easy with training and focus on your studying at the moment!
It takes a lot out of training, but I hope at the end it’s worth the effort!
Then you’ll have all the time for some solid training!
All the best!

Wednesday 6.4.2005

Deadlift 3x8 80-90-90kg
SLDL 3x6 60-60-60kg
Clean 2x2 40-40kg

Note: Didn’t squat… Old injury starts to bother. First time I cleaned in a very long time, no pain in shoulder. I’m so happy :slight_smile:


Abs 4x15
Obliques 3x15
Back ext. 3x10

Thursday 7.4.2005

Microstretching - hamstrings are SORE -

Core: 4x25 Abs
4x25 Broomstick twitches


1.200ml organic yogurt
1 cup oats
½ / ½ Casein + Whey Blend
2 omega eggs

  1. Chicken sandwich
    Snickers candy BAR :eek: It was too cheap :frowning:
    Cashew nuts

  2. 2x Chicken sandwich

  3. Veggies + Chicken
    1 tbsp Olive oil

  4. 2 omega eggs

NO MORE CASEIN BEFORE BED, the stuff keeps me up all night.

Need to start making better food choices. Today I bought some plastic containers to take some food with me to the library.