First off, I’ll introduce myself. I’m 16 years old and I’m a Defensive End at a Massachusetts school that is a perenial powerhouse and has won 4 of the last 5 state championships. I play center and defensive end in high school, but i am getting recruited mainly to play Defensive End by various D1AA D2 and D3 schools. A few D1A schools have sent stuff, but at 6’3 215, its not really realistsic to bother with the D1A schools. I started lifting seriously after my sophmore year when i letterd at LB for a team that was top 50 in the country. I wasnt really strong after my sophmore year and would describe myself as a football player and was very new and inexprienced in the weight room. I have been serious from training ever since and my Junior reflected that. I collected league all star and was a player of the week 3 times. MY life now is really busy. I am running track (the 4 X 200, shotput, and javelin) and go to practice everyday from 2-5. Then after practice, i go to Golds gym and workout on my own until around 6:30. Then i come home eat and shower. It’s already 7:30 when i’m done and i look through the letters i got from colleges, fill out stuff, and do recruiting stuff. Then at around 8:30, i do my hw which most of the time I try to get done during free periods in school. I finish that usually around 9:30 and go to bed or sumtimes talk for a little while to my girlfriend until 10. Lately, she’s been messing with my sleeping cycle but i go to bed early cause im so busy!
I have been invited to around 5 colleges camps, 3 commercial campos that attract nearly 50 colleges each. I will be attending 2 combines and was invited to numerous. One is for the top prospects of Massachusetss and the other one will be a MSL/NIke combine. I am listed on but not rivals and myu coach put me on scout and they still have to get the stuff up because they have yet to interview me. I will have an extremley busy summer.
I am training to get bigger, stronger, and faster. I also train to win the state championship next year, move on and play college football at a good program, have a sensational senior year, and finnally to be the best defensive end ever. My coach has set up sum visits with the schools that have sent me a lot of stuff mostly like UMASS and Marist and sum D1AA schools over April Vacation.
My current stats or estimates (since i havent really maxed since the end of football) are:
Height: 6’3
Weight: 215 at 12-13 % body fat
Positions: C/DE(college-DE)
Bench: 255
Squatt: 340
Clean: 200 (working on it- still perfecting the form)
40 time: 4.85
Shuttle: 4.65
VJ: 30 inches
Deadlift: 350 pounds
Buckle up, as my first combine will be May 15, and i am training to get in the best possible shapoe to prepare for this combine. I am living, eating, and breathing my training. Any help would be appreciated to make me a better football player, stronger, or faster. I have kept journals at and and am starting up here too because the more input i get, the better off my training will be.
The only supplements that I take are protein powder and a Multi vitamin. My key to getting lean and big is just eating a real lot.