john lott

i c, i didnt know that i would like to see some of his speed workouts.

DUDE! Who’s the chick in your Avatar? She’s got ass for days! Damn!

That would be Jessica Biel. And yes she is well fit.

Dumb question but would you know by any chance of how much recovery they use for their speed work? Or do they just turn this into a conditioning circuit.

No wonder there were so many losing seasons for the arizona cardinals. I remember what their old weightroom looked like, absolutely nothing compared how john lott had it. All they had were like nautilus chest press machines.

it would depend if they were during time sprints or sled pulls:

timed sprints: start on the goal line, run the required distance under your run time, coast 10yds past your distance and touch the line with your foot, turn around and walk briskly back to the start. next run starts when your target time expires.

for skill guys:
100yds run time 16/target time 1:16
40 5.3/34
30 4.2/28
20 3.2/21
10 2.2/17

run time: the amt of time each run should be completed at or under.

target time: the amt of time it takes to complete your run and walk back to the start.

The Tennessee Titans use something called “Metabolic Sprints.” Its where you run like 10-15 sprints with random distances under 50yds with walkback recovery, and thats considered one quarter. Then you rest for 3 minutes between each quarter. And you have 4 quarters, and if you complete the whole workout strong, you are considered in game-shape. There are no target times. My trainer had me do this workout about twice last summer and I think it is a good indicator if you are in good enough shape to last 4 quarters.

thats nothing special everybody does those.

Just watched the video and saw horrible technique in squats, powercleans from the hang, row, among other exercises. I was also suprised to see 205 lb. 1/4 squatters and what looked to be 140 pounds on the lat pulldown.
This guy is a sprint coach as well?

yeh i was surprise with the tech also, he was strength coach for those guys (lewis and crew)

When did he start working with Carl, I was under the assumption that Carl didn’t work with weights until around '95.

i think it was around that time, i grew up in the houston area and remember those guys during tons of bw stuff for high reps before they started to hit the weights.

Video footage of John with Brady Quinn! hahaha