Joe's Journal

you could say that alright; he did have some tightness and slight pain in the first 300 as he hit the first turn; pushed a little.
the second one he just did as instructed and accelerated 20m, held the pace and no pain…

sounds good… Lookin better every day. Wish me luck joesdad, I have conference trials tomorrow for 400m… Getting nervous as I type this… good nervous though! :smiley:

very impressive times, well on. goodluck

Great stuff!


wed. 4/20

extended warmup w/pushups and situps

thats all.

v consistent! Are these runs 100%?

2x300 are run at around 90-95% with full recovery.

thurs/ 4/21
warmup day only today
open 400 tomorrow; practice meet.

KIF Relays

ran the 400 of the sprint medley
3 teams even at the pass; Joe grabbed the inside lane from lane 3 and opened big lead; smooth run; some ham tightness from backstretch;
52.30h on dirt, from middle of pass lane.

cool. looks like you getting there, its only a metter of time before you start dropping sub 50s. goodluck joesdas (and joe).

3weeks til state meet:
well we didnt know what to expect, but if we are aiming at sub 48.66, I guess we would be hitting consistent 51’s by now. we are dealing with dirt track here which slows thngs down.
last season Joe was doing 52’s hand; when he got to states his trial time was 51.7fat and finals was 49.63fat.
seems like we are at same pace now; he is older and stronger, but hampered by inj; how his recovery opens up and wether we can hit pr’s is a guessing game.
at last season pace, even with going from hand to fat, but dirt to fast track, he should drop a couple seconds…
this friday will be his first double; 400/200

monday, 4/25

full warmup with drills, situps and pushups…
2x120m at 400 pace; avg. 15h.

double 400/200 this friday

tuesday 4/26

extensive warm up with pushups, situps (assisted stretches)

5x10x15m accels (80-90%)

wed 4/27
usual warmup
14/38h on dirt.

Joe gets a slight pain in ham anytime he ups his pace i.e. his 120m at 400/52sec pace. He did 14.3 today which is faster.
Damn… we have states in 2 weeks and dont even know what pace he will optimize with…
there is probably a certain amount of pain that should be expected; it’s a bummer to have to deal with it, but at least we’re still competitive. If he cant run with the best on his level because of it, it’s a bummer.

I’m hoping for PR’s which would probably win his double, but wont know until the time comes; the thing about the 400/200 double is there is not a lot of recovery time between events in the finals, and he runs against 100m guys that are fresh.

thursday we did a light warmup;
friday is conference champs and coach wants to throw everything to the wind for the team points and is giving Joe a triple! 400/200/4x400.
last year he won 4 events but last yr he wasnt injured.
we have states in 2weeks and any setback of any kind will dicrease our chances of winning…

I instructed Joe to let me know if he has the slightest pain and I will pull him…
like it or not, no coach can make an athlete risk his health if a parent objects.

Considering the injury/reinjury risk I wouldnt have him run both the 200/400 and the relay.

Which do you think he’ll have a better chance at? 200 or 400?


as far as better chance, he will win both (no stiff competition here)… but the relay is just for points…
the coach is so gung ho that he will sacrifice the welfare of the kids; even Joe who is the only one going on to states in 2 weeks.
they are close to taking the boys champs and he stated that he wont leave the park without it.

the only way I will accept Joe doing the relay which is at the end (near the 200), is if he has no pain during the 200, which I doubt since he always gets some pain on a heavier acceleration,
then he should just pace with the first leg probably a 55sec.
I hate this because I dont want him to run a triple.

I have always found the athlete (and their parent) has the final say. Dont risk him to a more serious injury if it isnt necessary.

The coach sounds more concerned about his record than the athletes.

I am wondering if the 400 might be easier on his ham but still be a good primer for state?

I would have him run one event at the meet and then pull out.

whew… we made it;;; no relay… he couldnt .

barely stayed upright after the 400; low 52sec, on dirt, 1st.

got to the 200 start dizzy and nauseous…
got a good start and beat fresher runners.

  • coming out of last turn in lane 4, he was a step behind lane 3 runner, gave it all he had and took lead within a few meters and won by a meter. he gave all he had…22.20sec.

all hand timed; on dirt ;will postthe official times later.

after the 200 he collapsed in the middle of the field, in front of the grandstands… here’s one for Plamtag;;; and threwup voluminously.
the hamstring was not a problem, apparantly ; so far as I know from him.

forget the 4x400.
a great lactate threshold workout I’d say.
just to show how it will be on states finals night, 30min recovery btween 400/200… and much faster runners and times… but he rises to the occasion, and we will be on a fast track.
damn he will have to go against some fast (for us) 100m runners there.

I guess he proved it to hmself that it can be done, once again.

Monday; 5/2
two days off, slight pain and stiffness in hamstring from going all out in 200 friday night; 30min after a season pr 400.

full warmup with situps and pushups