Jane Project re-birth?

Charlie, Rupert, any word on a Jane Project rebirth to the online store? Anyone else interested in this as well?

Yea I think it’s a great vid. If they have it, why not sell it in the shop?

we have the fotage again- but I need to get it to Rupert. the weather here has been incredibly bad and I’ve spent more than my share of time just shovelling snow to get anywhere!
Where’s George Bush and his Global Warming when you need him??

I actually forgot to ask you for it Charlie, I’ll get it off you shortly.

Speaking of films…our hot new film is coming out in TODAY. Happy V-day!


I think you mean Al Gore and his Global Warming :smiley:

Hell with Al Gore right now- we need Bush and his tax breaks for SUVs weighing over 3 tons and a diesel powered helicopter in every garage!
This winter is like what I remember as a kid here- but, in those days, Toronto still had all its snow removal equipment. Years of very mild winters meant shelving stuff when it wore out and not replacing it.
Plus I could shovel a lot better 42 years ago!

lets not forget…canada is a country of extreme