James Smith

Hey James what do you think about Pat White athletic ability. The broadcaster just mention your D-line avg 4.7 in the 40yd dash?

What are LeSean McCoy’s workout numbers like?

White is serious threat. Very fast and capable and a true competitor. As far as all degrees of athleticism are concerned I’d have to test him myself on various drills.

This was a big win for us.

Not sure where the 4.7 avg came from for the D-line; this is not correct.

We didn’t even test the d-line in the 40yd. Buddy had them perform the quadrathlon for their speed/power field testing.

Due to NCAA rules I’m not sure that I’m in the clear to discuss this and I’d rather not leave it to chance.

He heard it from the head coach, it was mid-way through the 3rd quarter.