Jamaica's Campbell hit by injury

Olympic 200m champion Veronica Campbell could miss the bulk of the season after suffering a torn muscle in her thigh.
Campbell, who also won world 100m silver last year, was injured on Sunday at the British Grand Prix in Gateshead.

Campbell’s manager Claude Bryan said: “The initial ultra-sound scan revealed a tear, and it will be approximately eight weeks to full recovery.”

That would mean the earliest Campbell could return would be for the Golden League meet in Zurich on 18 August.

Campbell, 24, suffered the injury coming into the home stretch of the 200m.

She fell to the ground and was later taken off the track in pain. :frowning:


A while back Charlie pointed out that a lot or sprinters get hurt at that exact point(off the curve) in a 200m.

Although this is true and we’ve seen/heard of it quite a few times, in the replay she seems to suffer before exiting the turn.
Whether that was because of the then injury bothering her already, or simply tightness and being under pressure by S. Richards, it’s difficult to say, I guess…

At this part of the 200m race, many injuries happen.

I’ve injured myself twice during the past few years, at exactly that point when entering the straight, and I know dozens of other who have…

MJ (twice), Mo, JJKersee, M.Marsh (i think), Bolt, to name a few… :rolleyes:

KINGSTON, June 13, 2006 - Athens Olympic 200m champion Veronica Campbell could miss most, if not all, of the remainder of the 2006 outdoor athletics season with a torn muscle, her manager said Tuesday.

Campbell, who added the 100m world championship silver last year to the 200m Olympic gold she won in 2004, was hurt Sunday at a meeting in Gateshead, England.

Campbell’s manager, Claude Bryan, said that a scan showed a tear to the left quadriceps muscle.
The initial ultra-sound scan revealed a tear,'' he said. He further added that the prognosis gave approximately eight weeks to full recovery’’.
``She will be seeing a specialist within 24 hours for continued treatment and therapy,’’ Bryan said, adding that it was too early to determine if she will miss the remainder of the season.

But eight weeks on the sideline would definitely put her out of all but three Golden League meets.

She could return for Zurich (August 18); Brussels (August 25) and Berlin (September 3), along with the final three Grand Prix meetings.

Campbell, 24, suffered the injury when she entered the home stretch of the 200m. She showed discomfort as she came off the turn.

Shortly after, she fell to the ground some 80 meters from the finish line.
She was later taken off the track in pain.

The injury will definitely put her out of Jamaica’s National Championships, scheduled for June 23-25. She was the favourite for the 100m, especially after her world leading 100m run of 10.99 seconds in Carson, California.