It's still all about me

I hate it when I am awake from 2.30am …but at least I figured things out.

RJ you (we) are right re my strength and power being well down but perhaps we have it round the wrong way, certainly CF would argue that weights are an expression of speed / power / strength not necessarily vice versa. You certainly got me thinking though and as a result have significantly altered what I had planned and will now do something a lot closer to what you suggested.

Key points

  1. My Achilles is improved but still nowhere near right. Getting that sorted and staying injury free are my main priorities. For this reason I will not race again this season.

  2. I find hills help with my calf & Achilles so have retained those to a significant level. Weeks 1-4 there are 2 days pw with hills and Weeks 5-8 there is 1.

  3. The plan has 3 speed days, 2 conditioning (tempo @ approx 2200m, rowing or biking) and 2 recovery structured as High, Low, Recovery, High, Low, High, Recovery

  4. As stated earlier I feel I have often got too far away from where I need to be in GPP and as a result play catch up rather than adding to what is there. In this plan I will actually integrate both GPP and SPP over 12 weeks.

  5. Weeks 4, 8 & 12 are lower volume recovery weeks while Week 13 is a total rest and recovery week with no training.

  6. The weights still follow Joe Kenn’s Tier template and are 3x pw with alternative lower, upper and total body emphasis. It will have plenty of strength and volume without being detrimental

  7. The speed portions cover all elements with the accel and max V day being a constant non hill day for all 12 weeks as I see this being the most critical element to rectify.

I’ve uploaded the spreadsheet to Google Documents at

Auto Reg rating

Bike 62 mins

abs & stretch


a stunning warm evening :cool: This was my first ride in about 8 weeks since I fell on my head so was pleasantly surprised how good it was although i was pretty apprehensive on the downhills :o

Auto Reg rating

Med Ball Throws
Backwards x 10

6 x 40m rec 2 / 4 min
5 x 40m rec 2 / 4min
4 x 40m rec 2 min

3 min rec
warmup 5r x 80

work 90 x 5s x 5r

3 min rec
65 x 12r, 15r
70 x 10r

stretch & abs


Pre and post workout Achilles was great with absolutely no pain it was good for most of warmup but sore doing drills and really sore on strideouts. No issue at all on hills :cool:
Was conscious (and it showed) I hadn’t squatted in about 5 weeks!

well well well how things can change. After considerable discussion with RJ and after much thought I have changed things a fair bit …actually a lot. I hear a collective OMG he actually does listen after all :stuck_out_tongue:

The new plan can be seen at

as you can see the volume is way down and the weights (at the bottom of the sheet) are significantly different and are based on RJs article

It will be interesting to see how it goes. Regardless of what happens I want to acknowledge the input and time of RJ. Thanks a lot, it is really appreciated.

Auto Reg rating

S/set with 2 mins between reps
Chins BW x 8, 8, 6, 5, 5 = 32
Dips BW + 5kg x 8, 9, 8, 7, 7 = 39


Bike 62 mins

9 :cool:

a bit sore from yesterday but not as bad as I thought it may have been. The other nights when I was down at our beach I spied a great swimming area so went and had a dip straight after ride :cool:

Haha, thanks John. This new setup will work just fine, I promise (gee, I hope that doesn’t come back and bite me in the ass :wink: )

Keep up the good work, buddy.

Its a pretty safe bet that things will improve and regardless I really appreciate it and won’t hold you accountable. Ultimately it was me who decided to give it a go.

Here is a vid of L with his Welsh Pony at ‘our beach’ This is under 5minutes walk from sitting upstairs at home.


The Welsh Pony seems to enjoy that! :slight_smile:

I could be best friends with your kids :smiley:

Yes indeed that is part of why I posted it. The pony (Sam) got out and was cavorting and frolicking like a dog. In fact he follows L around like a dog when he is in the paddock.

all in all they are pretty good and we have HEAPS of laughs and fun. For some reason though they get upset, L in particular, when I have them on by saying say things like

I’m down with the kids yo!
don’t be a hater Dude

but the classic was last week when my wife was at work and was talking to a group of young teens and she said

oh, oh, I’m cool…I know what to say…'sup my g?*…the teens literally LOL…and one said …wassup Lady

  • this was a phrase neither C or I had heard till we were on holiday and the first time both thought it was suck my g :eek: whatever g stands for …I dread to think :stuck_out_tongue:

Auto Reg rating

Med Ball Throws
Backwards x 10

1 x 10m walkback rec
1 x 20m 2 min rec
1 x 30m 3 min rec
5s x 15 sec 5 min rec

3 min rec
warmup 5r x 70

work 90 x 6s x 6r

3 min rec
75 x 10, 10, 8, 8

stretch & abs

9.5 :cool:

Achilles progressing really well. Did warmup and drills barefoot and at most there was an awareness, stride outs there was some discomfort no real issues on hills. :slight_smile:

Beautiful hot evening so after weights went for a quick swim and then stood in the cold sea for approx 5 mins.

RJ, you wanted some more volume in the weight room, how about that? :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, that’s a ton of volume. It’s good for you though. A little while of that and your strength levels will jump. I went through a phase of RDLs and step ups for 50 reps a piece per session a while back and it did wonders to kick off my squat strength.

Auto Reg rating

S/set with 2 min between reps
1 arm db row 34db x 3s x 12r
Incline DB press 24db x 11, 11, 9

Bike 62 mins


another beaut night, would have biked longer but back to work to finish off a funding proposal :frowning:

wasn’t overly late home so did

foam roller

abs & stretch

Here are a couple of pics from where I did my hills the other day.

My house is down to just the right of teh R hand trees dn the view from our lounge is along that coast to the outcrop about 2/3 towards the left.

Looking back towards Dunedin

Auto Reg rating

Med Ball Throws
Backwards x 10

4 x 4 x 40m rec 3 / 6 min

3 min rec
warmup 5r x 70

work 90 x 5s x 7r
95 x 1s x 3r

3 min rec
80 x 6s x 6r

stretch & abs


another awesome hot day :cool: Today is C & my 22nd wedding anniversary :slight_smile:

below is vid from today at 1/2 speed


Happy anniversary! You guys have been married longer than I’ve been alive. :slight_smile:

And good work last session, John. Higher reps on the squat are tough, especially over so many sets. How is the higher volume treating you?

Ha, thanks.

Volume ok so far but it is early days and I’m going at the higher end while I can hopefully it carries on. I’m also aware that I’m just getting back into squats again after over a month off so thngs should be ramping up quite quickly.

Auto Reg rating

S/set with 2 mins between reps
Chins BW x 8, 8, 7, 6, 5 = 34 (LW 32)
Dips BW + 10kg x 8, 8, 7, 7, 5 = 35 (LW = 39 with 5kg)


Bike 105 mins

9 :cool:

Auto Reg rating

Med Ball Throws
Backwards x 10

1 x 10m walkback rec
1 x 20m 2 min rec
1 x 30m 3 min rec
4 x 20 sec 6 min rec

3 min rec
warmup 5r x 70

work 90 x 4s x 8r

3 min rec
80 x 4s x 8r

stretch & abs


long day at work so a bit tired, that said all went well, achilles just about all sorted and back to 100% :slight_smile:

Auto Reg rating

S/set with 2 min between reps
1 arm db row 37db x 4s x 8r
Incline DB press 27db x 6, 6, 5, 4

Bike 157 mins


Auto Reg rating

Med Ball Throws
Backwards x 10

4 x 4 x 30m rec 3 / 6 min

S/set with 2 mins between reps
Chins BW x 8, 8, 6, 6, 6
Dips BW + 12.5kg x 5, 5, 5, 4, 4



dropped distance to 30m on hills to stay under 7 sec.

Had planned on doing squats but on warmup set felt the very slightest of twinges on the side of my lower back. I am sure it will be ok but I am injury phobic right now so changed to upper body and will probably do lower tomorrow pre bike.