Hi Charlie - I’m another of similar age and training
for similar distances. Would you consider starting
up a journal here so we could follow your progress??
It would be of great interest to me.
2 x 10 from pushup walkback rec
2 x 20 from pushup 2 min rec
2 x 30 from pushup 3 min rec
3 x BFR (40m buildup, 20m fast, 20m relaxed) 5 min rec
1 x EFE
Power Clean
3 mins rec
3 x 60, 62, 65, 1 x 67
S/set with 90 sec between reps
Squat 5s x 3r x 75
1 arm db row 4s x 8r x 30db
O/Head squat
90 sec rec
3s x 5r x 35
90 sec rec
2s x 5r x 50
10 x 30 sec on / 30 off various exercises
picked up a virus and was off work Friday so didn’t train till today which was a lightish session.
Feeling pretty shit right now, not due to illness more just the way things are. Everything is sort of catching up such as overwork, long winter, weight gain (approx 4kg) and injuries / niggles. These include left rotator cuff (approx 4 weeks) and more recently and annoyingly my right achilles / calf. That was the reason I only did 1 EFE :mad:
L Rotor cuff and right calf = when i see this in clients, i go straight to their hips and 99 out of 100 i come up with hips that are out of wack caused from tightness coming from any or all in different amounts
1 tight thighs, or just one thigh
2 tight hammie/s
3 tight hip flexor/s
4 tight glute/s
these throw the hips out, and then manifest problems Outwards to the limbs
Use a ball and foam roll the rotor cuff areas - 1st time = crazy weird strange pain…
thanks guys.
Bold my whole recovery process has been pretty much non existent due to all the extra work I’ve been doing so need to step that up. I know getting a routine going again will really help. I also meant to say I hurt my L ankle about 3 weeks ago when I stepped in a hole warming up. :rolleyes:
moderate hills
4 x 20 sec with walkback rec
15 mins
3 x 20 sec with walkback rec
15 mins
2 x 20 sec with walkback rec
15 mins
1 x 20 sec with walkback rec
3 mins rec
3 x 70, 80, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110
S/set with 90 sec between reps
Bench 5s x 3r x 60
Iron Cross 4s x 5r x 5 plates
S/set with 90 sec between reps
SLDL 3s x 5r x 75
DB cuban press 2s x 5r x 10db
10 x 30 sec on / 30 off various exercises
although still a bit tender achilles waay better than earlier in the week.
I have found this to be really useful in managing by left sided lateral calf, left hamstring and left sided lower back pain.
I have had this pain in the lateral calf for around 3-4 years. It used to occur during tough endurance sessions on the track (when i went through a long to short intensive tempo type routine (dont ask!) ), and it got to the point where recently I cant even walk without getting it.
I’ve tried everthing which only seemed to make it worse - 2 sets of orthotics, stretching, yoga, strengthening, rolfing, massage, resting etc etc and the only thing that seems to help is trigger point therapy.
I know its early days, and it may all come back when I resume working out, I just thought it worth a mention if John or anybody else wanted to give it a try. I found out trigger points in my gluteus minimus are potentially the cause of my pain. Now I have to work out what it is about me or my training which is creating the trigger points.
Thanks John, I’ll have a good look at that. That said I really think the main issue is that I have been slack with my recovery. My body feels waaay better already with a bit more care such as doing foam roller between abs & stretch so it actually gets done. I had a contrast shower this morning (Sunday) which is first one for ages. I’m sure a refocus on things like that, tidying up my diet (already started that) and dropping the stuff from my old job will really make a difference.