Its hopeless and No one understands

The link you have told me about looks great. But I can’t order online from my place. I have to send to anyone I know abroad and he gets the stuff and brings it along when he’s coming. As for massage and therapy. I HAVE TO FACE IT. We have no one in Egypt who was EVER EVER taught massage in any kind of centre cause we don’t have any!! just people who have caught it by trial without ever seeing a professional one do it. As for doctors. Check out my first post. To put more and more on that. I have to attend a military service starting from next April and I’ll stay in for 45 days. Then I’ll be out and free to stay home on one condition. And that is to bring 2 medals for the Air force team in the military championships. And then I stay home until April 2007 and only then I will be free to travel. Before that I have no right to travel but to go to international championships. So its like all the doors have closed in my face. I mean just because of whats around me, I can’t fix what looks like an easy problem to solve. Its unfair. ITS UNFAIR. Others have all what they want in their countries and they sit and get so lazy, don’t want to train most of the time or may be don’t have to right talent or or or … And I have try everything in life and do just about everything to get half their chance. Thanks god. Thanks god that I’m still alive.

Only very few have that type of luck. In the USA, its worse in many cases, because the competition is so stiff and talent pool fairly large. Unless you have exceptional talent, you are on your own. And, with no funds for therapy or training, an athlete can’t take advantage of the tools available… And with all the trouble Nic Macro is going through in Canada is another example…

Nevertheless, if you’re good, lucky, and persistent things tend to happen. I guess my point is don’t spend time thinking of other people, because if there’s one thing I learn in life is that everyone has to struggle -one way or the other. It’s how you come out on the other side that matters…Best Wishes!

You’re right man. I know you’re right. Its just that I get it out sometimes. I feel like I’m gonna explode if I don’t just talk it out. And since all people here think that track and field is lifting weights and running, ( and may be swiming too, they’re not very sure of that part), then I really don’t have anyone to talk to down here. Thanks man.

I can understand exactly how you feel. Well, you can post here anytime and I’m sure members are willing to listen and help as much as possible! The good thing is you are open-minded and willing to listen to advice and learn… Stay strong!

Hey man. I followed what you told me. Nothing happened. I didn’t feel that the area was affected at all. It didn’t even work. So I decided to do it the other way round. crossing my left ankel on my right thigh. Guess what? for the first time ever I discover that I can’t cross my left leg on my right at this position. I can’t at all. I could only do it if I used my hand to put my ankel on my right thigh and it hurts so so much!!! its unbelievable. it was Very easy on the other side!!! What type of anything fixes this!! it feels awful and wierd. I know I had an imbalance and I knew it was very bad. But that was when I used to do stretches and feel the difference. But I have never felt such handicapped. Actually, I felt so insulted. So I slept down and tried it again and again and again. I wish I could swear!. I don’t usually do so!

Man i feel for you. There is nothing worse then having an injury. This past year I have been plagued with niggling injuries, never being able to train for more than 3 weeks without an injury. In fact three weeks was the longest period! I have been to three different physios/sports physicians, about it and they didn’t help at all. Finally I thought I was getting back on track and trained for three weeks straight with no problems. Then the last session of the 3rd injury free week I kicked the ball and felt a sharp pain in my hip flexor. 3 weeks out. I have now completed one injury free week. Im praying they will stop, so I can train all through next year.

So I know how you feel, and there is really nothing worse. Its the complete lack of control over your future… I hope you get better man! Don’t give up!

Thanks for the kind words man. A friend of mine who just finished studying medicine told me that he’ll read about it. He called me today and told me that all my symptoms say that there should be something wrong with the bones. A stress fracture maybe. I’ll do an X-Ray and go let him see it and he told me that after he will see it we must still go to a specialist to make sure. Well. If its a stress fracture in that area. Then god be with me. I will have to stay still for a looooong time.

From what you have said, I would highly suspect that your external rotators, especially the piriformis are most likley involved in causing the pain - or at least, making it worse. The piriformis muscles act as a stabilizer of the SI joint. If one piriformis is significantly tighter than the other, it can cause an imbalance of stress on the joint. I often see this in athletes who externally rotate one leg to a greater degree than the other when running. The inability to cross one leg over the other usually indicates a tightness in the extenal rotators of that leg. Next test(you’ll need someone to help you here): lie on your stomach with the knees bent at 90 degrees so that bottoms of your feet are pointing at the ceiling. Keeping the knees bent at 90 degrees, let your feet fall out to the sides with the rotation happening strictly in the hips. Have someone stand behind you (so they’re looking between your legs at your ass) and check the angles between your lower leg and the ground. If everything is in balance, BOTH legs should fall out to approximatley 45 degrees before. I highly suspect that one leg will fall farther down than the other.

As far as one leg being longer than the other, it can mean one of two things: a) there truly is a difference in length between the two legs. This may put significant stress on the SI joint itself. , but orthodics should have helped - although any underlying muscle balances would need to be addressed. If one leg was truly longer than the other, the x-ray should have caught this . . . unless it was interpreted wrong, which is quite easy to do. b) having one leg longer than the other is also the primary test used if the SI joint is out of alignment. There is a small amount of movement that occurs at the SI joint. Sometimes the joint does not move properly (becomes “locked up”) due to injury (such as a fall) or muscular imbalances. A manual leg length test is used all of the time in our clinic as a primary determinant if SI joint dysfunction is occuring. After that we check to see if the SI joint problem is an inflare/outlfare/anterior or posterior rotation. If the ilium has rotated on the sacrum, it will shift the orientation of the acetabulum (hole in the pelvis that your femur/leg fits into) casuing one leg to appear longer than the other. I have seen an SI joint shift cause up to a 3 cm leg length discrepency. These problems can usually be resolved through through manipulation and strengthening of the joint.

A third problem that may be occuring is some hypermobility at the joint which has lead to some degree of osteoarthritis to occur. You should see if you have access to getting a bone scan done on the area to see if any ‘hot spots’ show up. MRI should have caught any stress fractures in the area or disc problems at the L5-S1 joint, and x-rays are notorious for not catching anything, but should have showed any displacement/rotation of the SI joint.

Do the above test and let me know what results you have. What your are describing (low back pain + leg length discrepency + external rotator tightness) is a combination I see on an almost daily basis in the clinic. However, I DO NOT WORK WITH AN ATHLETIC POPULATION, and would not want to transfer my observations from the regular population to your injury. However, I may be able to help guide you through the process of getting the problem diagnosed on your end.

Take care of yourself :o

I certainly hope it’s not a stress fracture. The point of the test I gave you was to show you the severe muscle imbalances you have in your hips. So even in the worst case scenario of a stress fracture those imbalances would need to be taken care of after the initial rehab to avoid another one.

From all that you have written, the reason you are having all these problems seems to be that you are bearing most of your weight on your left side and it’s being overworked. That’s why the muscles are tight and your pelvis is also probably rotated right-to-left as well as one side being higher than the other. I also suspect that your right foot is more everted than the left one to compensate. All this places extreme stresses on the spine and SI-joints.

I agree with everyone else in here that you need to see a professional asap. It’s difficult to do this over the internet. If you can’t travel until in April 2007 however something needs to be done before that. Let us know if this is the case.

Shut it down.

Why go through the struggle? If you have no stress fracture I would suggest leaving the sprints behind. Why bother killing yourself or causing more pain? Life doesn’t end at retirement from track.

No traveling till April 2007. I’m taking complete rest these days. Just gym and some explosive throwing that doesn’t bother me at all. Its my last try. I’ll start massage on my back after another week. I won’t think about any future champs for now. We’ll see how it goes from there. I really don’t know what else I can do. I’ll go to a doctor again and see. May be who knows. May be.

Only those who never quit get to taste whats next. I’ve always had this belief. World champions are there because they started training along with a lot others around the world. At each stage where there are problems quit some fall off. the 2nd time there are problems a bit more fall off and the rest goes on. Until you get down to these 8 guys in a 100m final. You never know how much they might have suffered through the years!

If you know you have a chance in being 9.8 then go for it :wink: .

Thats the right attitude flying duck 1!

The mind is a powerful tool. I remember about 7 months ago, I was really really happy and energised. [I wont explain why]. So I loaded all my weights onto the bench press, around 65kg, and I did 1 rep. I couldn’t believe it. I did max strength training for 8 weeks, and even after 8 weeks, I couldn’t lift close to that much. I don’t know how to explain it. It was because I believed, 100% in my mind I could do 1 rep. I didn’t have any doubts. [I don’t know why!].

Very odd.

I have already ran a couple of nines in training hand time standing start. But I don’t talk about it cause I don’t believe in hand timing, whether in competition or training. I still believe I haven’t ran my perfect race. There is still too much to it. And my p.b. is 10.57 electronic in a race where I reacted last and just stood up and ran to try to catch up and tried to lean too early. !! Trust me if I don’t believe in international gold. Then I woudln’t have started this all. May be I wouldn’t have got injuries too!!

Yesterday I squated 160kg 5 times last set and my back didn’t hurt, hyper extension no back pain. Throws with some season bests and no pain. Standing long jump hurt me a bit and so I decided to quit that for a while. I did a 3.20m and I felt a little pain in my back from the impact so I’ll stop that for now. As for running. I tried a few 50s. best came on 7.45 without pain. I was sure that if I just turned the screw a liittttle bit more the pain would start coming. It was just a try to make sure that I can still run!! The thing missing my workouts now is hip flexibility and strength. I don’t know how?? if anyone has a good site on such, I would I appreciate so so much. Even if hip flex. and strength were not the cause of my injury I still need to improve them so not to get a problem with the imbalance. Thanks for everyone again

Wow, didn’t you say in another thread that when you where 16 you were running 14.1?? Thats bloody amazing.

I have the fire. I just have another thing called injuries, like you.

you’re right man. I had to learn everything the hard way. Even now. Look how I’m supossed to think about my injury. Try to learn and treat my self. The thing is I didn’t start track and field because of track and field. Only those who know me the most will understand what happened through the years.

I know what happened with you in the past few years. Therefore I do admire you for your attitude - in spite of what you have suffered, you stay positive and BELIEVE in your talents and the outcome of what CAN happen. A good example for young, talented athletes who quit when training is too hard or when it interferes with their free time!

Let us know how you are. Be patient - don’t try things now that will hurt … everything can be sorted out, as soon as you are ready to travel.

Good luck!

if the fire to excel and most importantly to train is still blazing then take my advice and do not give have a certain amount of years to do it so make the most of it and prove yourself to the rest of us…

you will know yourself when its time to stop when the enjoyment stops!! GO FOR IT!

Thank you so much for the inspiring words. Thanks to you too X-man. I know I won’t give up. I have avoided all sorts of pain in the past 2 weeks. I see some results. missing is I really don’t know how to strecth and strengthen my hip muscles, tendons and ligmants from different angles. If there is any site for this or any source then I’d really appreciate this.