I’m 35, and I’m a semi-pro athlete who plays a sport that requires lost of mid-distance running ?
Mid distance running? Must be lower than 100 yards average….
I’m not in the running shape that I used to be in, but I’m trying to get back.
My bf has me doing a workout that consists of conditioning one day and performance the next. Conditions is basically, sprint workouts totalling 2000 meters (e.g. 10 -200s or 20 -100s).
I’m finding that my legs constantly ache and are tired.
Are you sure that you run at the appropriate intensity on low days? If, you can’t recover, lower the low intensity day
I want to incorporate some long distance runs –which has caused some arguments with my bf. He things that long distance runs are a waste of time, and that if I’m going to do it, I should only do it one day a week on conditioning days.
We are on the same page, me and him
The problem is that I stopped long distance running for 2 months and gained like 10 lbs.
eating habits ???
When I tried to get back in it, it seemed impossible. s I feel like I’m mentally and even physically incapable of anything over 2 mi [at the pace I used to], and my legs always hurt when I do.
You are not less in shape, just no more adapted to longer runs.
This used to be no problem at all. I have begun to lose weight, and tone down, but it is taking forever and I have to be in “fighting” shape this year for my sport.
Check your nutrition, your training seem o.k to me
I’m at the point where I’m sick of running altogether, and have started doing long distance walks to lose the weight as every run seems like a never-ending siege.
Does anyone have any advice?
Am I overtraining or just being a baby?
Overtraining, not likely, underecovery, more likely, check your tempo intensity as I told you