Is it more efficient to build this strength with sub max loads reps in 5-8 zone with 70-80% or reps in 1-3 zone with 85-95%+?
Athlete A: Maintain strength with low volume, low frequency, high intensity (>85%) reps, as competition schedules allow. Most strength worked focused on RFD. Light to moderate weights (40%-70%) lifted explosively, plyos, and sprinting.
Athlete B: Improve strength by including high intensity reps (>85%) at reasonable volumes and frequency (as training allows), but not ignoring RFD. Also include Light to moderate weights (40%-70%) lifted explosively, plyos, and sprinting.
I think high intensity (>85%) loads are more effecient and more effective at building max strength, and should be included unless doing so can be demonstrated to interfere with primary training goals.
Edit: typo