November 15, 2009, 7:27pm
You must lift around a lot of very out of shape lifters. Don’t know where I got the chart I use most, I have several. The chart I generally use runs for 1RM to 20RM. The higher the RM, the less reliable the chart, but for most lifts above 75% it is very close, and for RM’s above 85%, it gives very reliable results, at least for experieced lifters who lift at both heavy and lighter loads. I have surpassed every predicted rep max shown below, not in terms of more reps, but in getting more weight than predicted at that RM. I think in my case it is because I normally use a very controlled eccentric unless I’m trying for a RM. This may give me some extra strength endurance over lifters with fast, more uncontrolled eccenstrics. Those lifters, who are actually in the majority in the gyms I see, may have trouble hitting some of these predicted RMs. But the chart has proven more accurate than any other I have seen for experienced lifters.
What would you estimate the max load at each RM for most lifters?
100 - 1RM
95.0 - 2RM
92.5 - 3RM
90.0 - 4RM
87.5 - 5RM
85.0 - 6RM
82.5 - 7RM
80.0 - 8RM
77.5 - 9RM
75.0 - 10RM
If by out of shape, you mean people that compete at a high level in a sport the actually requires fitness, then you might be right. I’ve trained with people who competed in Beijing and people that will be competing in Vancouver and none could come close to these numbers, whether fresh or after sprints/jumps/throws/sports practice.