Is It Somalia Now?

US ‘targets al-Qaeda’ in Somalia

US air strikes in Somalia are aimed at al-Qaeda leaders in the region, and based on “credible intelligence”, a Pentagon spokesman has said.

In its first official comment on the air strikes, the Pentagon said a raid was carried out on Sunday but declined to say if it had hit its target.

The US has long said al-Qaeda suspects linked to the 1998 US embassy bombings in East Africa took refuge in Somalia.

At least 19 people were killed in US air raids, local Somali elders say.

Fresh air raids were reported near the town of Afmadow on Monday and Tuesday, but it is not clear if these were carried out by the US, or by Ethiopian forces which back the transitional Somali government.

The air strikes are taking place days after the Union of Islamic Courts, which had taken control of much of central and southern Somalia during the past six months, was routed by soldiers from Ethiopia and Somalia’s government.

Latest reports from Mogadishu say unknown assailants have fired rocket propelled grenades at a building housing Ethiopian troops and Somali government forces.

Two explosions were heard, followed by a brief but heavy exchange of automatic gunfire.

‘No safe haven’

The US air strikes were carried out by an Air Force AC-130, a heavily armed gunship that has detection equipment and can work under the cover of darkness.

“The US has a right to bombard terrorist suspects who attacked its embassies in Kenya and Tanzania”, Somali interim president, Abdullahi Yusuf

White House spokesman Tony Snow said the US action was a reminder that there was no safe haven for Islamic militants.

“This administration continues to go after al-Qaeda,” he said.

“We are interested in going after those who have perpetrated acts of violence against Americans, including bombings of embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.”

Somalia’s interim President, Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, said the US had the right to bomb those who had attacked its embassies.

But Italy - the former colonial power in central and southern Somalia - condemned the US strikes.

Italian Foreign minister Massimo d’Alema said Rome opposed “unilateral initiatives that could spark new tensions”.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon expressed “concern” that the air strikes could lead to an escalation of hostilities.

Must have found oil there too …

no just kaht. a mild hallacgenic.

yes…they found now the '98 bombers…

This is getting ridicolous, in every country with a couple of supposed terrorists, the US has the right to attack it?

the tv reported 40 civilians death, for 1 supposed al qaeda member death .(you know, ac130 gunship are noted for their Chirurgical strikes…)
when will it end?I though US and Israel would deal with Somalia only through Ethiopia’s army and aviation (ethiopia is a military partner of both, receives weapons, aircrafts, military instructors from israel)
Oh yes, thank you president Bush, vice Cheney,mr Perle, Wolfowitz ,Rumsfeld and so on,
Thank you at hearth, the world is really getting better.

I’ve seen a few spaced out cats on that where I live…Looks like garden leaves…apparently there is a massive market for it and a lot of blackmarket dealings with this product.

I think they’ve been on it for a while in DC

No that would be crack No23. Sounds the same and has similar effect :wink: