Intensive Tempo

Sentences that I think are garbage;
Chris is the main reason why I prefer training female athletes they are so much easier to deal with from day to day - they take coaching and don’t think they have all the answers. But you seem to think you have all the answers to Chriss training and you are male
It’s sad that Chris will miss any chance he has to run decent times before hitting 40s+. And you know this for a fact…How, just passing judgement I feel
I may not Pr in my year first back but I will be happy with the times I’m putting out for my age…I don’t think you can comment on performances that haven’t occured yet. Chris is out there doing it right now.

LOL - performances that haven’t happen??? Are you sure about that? How many athletes have you coached? It’s in your best interest to stop while you are ahead.

Would you point out where I’m misunderstanding? The reason for the endurance (capacity) work starting long was said to be to build capacity before being able to express power, right? I think that’s what I’ve read previously. BTW, I have hard time understanding what some of those acronyms stand for, like I think RI is rest between reps SI is rest between sets but what are G1 G2 g1h, DA, NS, BSR??

Whatever !!

I answered your questions why you can’t answer my questions? I know more about Chris training then you do - we have chatted many times through private message and offsite. You must be one of those guys who hit the gym every year and still look the same. I don’t understand why you took my comments personal - hopefully Chris don’t.

I take nothing you say personal. They dont agree with you, it is what it is.
Answer this, I have been feeling so good at practice, that I have decided to add an extra day of HI work. Instead of the 2 hi 3 lo, 3hi, 2-3lo.
Gonna see how my body responds. Ill adjust on the fly as needed.

for example
day1 blocks 4x30, 3x60 1x100, weights squats and rdl
day 2 tempo-12-1500 meters, upper body
day3- spec end…I was thinking of doing 2-3x4x50 on grass in spikes. to save my achilles from the track.
day 4- off or tempo depending on body
day5 speed end- 2x30 blocks, 3-4 x120, weights rev lunge from deficit, DB swings.
day 6 off
day 7 tempo

What what are your thoughts oh great one?

Couple things, no problem with 3 hi days only if you have 4-6 weeks before your next meet otherwise it’s not worth adding the extra stress.

day 1: drop the 100 stay with 30-60 (long rest) - i would drop rdl for hypers (less stressful and safer on the hammies right now)
day 2: pool tempo
day 3: i would add longer runs - 2x30+3x150. If you have 6 weeks i would use this progression over 6 weeks 200-180-150> 180-150-120> 150-120-100. wts jump squats 2-3x15 and kb swings for 15reps working on power endurance.
day 4: off
day 5: I would do 2x30+2x60+2x80 wts squats etc
day 6: tempo 10x100 and gs circuit
day 7: off

All squats are 2-3 sets of 1-3 reps for about 60-70%. Those split runs are done much earlier in prep - when I was up north I would start my outdoor prep (which was still indoors) with one week of 4x4x60 before moving to 2x3x80 for about 2 weeks after this I was ready for 120-150’s. You can’t get away from the pure speed work, like Charlie said good quality 60’s are still important.

3 weeks before next meet

Stay with your plan - no need for changes at this time. Train - recover - taper before this meet. You only have a couple meets therefore you need to be fresh and ready for them all.

That’s looks like great progressions, very helpful. Cheers for the info.

Maybe we have different meaning on whats “long”. If the endurance runs was starting at 600m and working down to 400-300-200 then that’s long. G1 = short sprinters.

We had a long debate on these workouts many years ago on the forum. I think they are solid workouts even if you don’t like the intensive tempo the volume is so low it shouldn’t cause any problems (2x200, 2x150). Some people had an issue with the weights, I don’t see them as an issue because the weights are so light (40-70% etc)

Big focus on general fitness in the first 8-12 weeks.

General setup for the first 4-8 weeks:
Warm Up: A



Day 1

Shot Throws: Ax5
(First 2 exercises)

Cool Down: A


Warm Up: B

General Strength:
RI=20” on / 20” off

Body Build:
Day 2
30 reps/40 seconds

Extensive Tempo:
(Parade Grounds)
-6x30" w/jog 1’
-6x40" w/jog 1’
-6x1’ w/jog 2’

Cooldown: B

Warm Up: D

Ab/Remedial Circuit
-4 circuits

Day 2

Shot Throws: Ax5
(First 2 exercises)

Cooldown: C

Warm Up: C - BSR

Body Build:
Day 2
30 reps/40 seconds


Cooldown: B

Warm Up: D

Jump Run: B
(soccer field)
-drills x 4 each
-g1 run 1’
-g2 run 1’20"

(No jumps)
-g3 run 2’20"

Cooldown: BSR


Warm Up: B

g1-5 hills
g2-6 hills
g3-7 hills

Day 3

Shot Throws: Ax5
(Last 2 exercises)

Cooldown: D

Day 1

Snatch 4x5 @ 107

Power Clean 3x7 @ 172

Bench 3x10 @ 151

Squats - Deep 3x6 @ 190

Day 2

Hang Snatch 3x5 @ 78

Power Clean 3x5 @ 146

S.Leg Squat (each) 3x8 @ 86

Bent Leg Deadlift 3x7 @ 122

Walking Lunge 3x12 @ 40

Day 3

Hang Clean 3x5 @ 133

Seated Military Press 3x5 @ 124

Lunge Jump 3x10 @ 20

Alternating Lat Pull 3x10 @ 50

St.Leg Deadlift 3x5 @ 122

Every 4th week is field testing

Ohh, yeah that might be the case. I just saw that in an earlier example the power starts from 10-40 during general prep, and end at 80-120 during comp, whereas capacity goes from 150-300 to 150-250, so it’s subtle, but still reduction in length of the “capacity” run, so that’s what I was referring to

Thanks for the clarification