Insane base jumper that flies!

You all have to check this out…

Base Jumper

What do you think? I want to try it.


That shit is crazy. How fast was his top speed? More power to you if you try it.

He was doing over 100mph

It looks awesome, but dangerous.


You should try it. Life’s short.

why make it shorter. Rupert, aren’t the playboy parties enough.

I remember when I was young watching the “Guiness World Records” show where they demonstrated that suit for the first time. A guy flew like a mile for some type of WR with it and it was the first time it was done. The guy was a friend of the man who designed it; the man who designed it died when he tried it out. Not exactly the safest thing the world I guess. Looks fun though.

Playboy cancelled their parties in Canada for reasons I’m not sure of. I am glad I’m not going to them anymore…thats for sure.


Sure you dont know!! i bet it was you who got the parties cancelled??/? :smiley:

That is some insane shit!!! I want to try that!!! But before I do that I really need to watch the whole of A Nightmare on Elm Street 1…that film still scares the sht out of me. blushes