This week:
Going off of some of Rainy’s points, this is what we’ve done in the run-up to this Friday’s meet. I’ve done everything with the team, though I won’t be able to make the meet because of work.
*Starts (5x20m @100%)
*Top Speed (3xflying20)
- S.E. (2x220 for guys, 220-120 for girls [who have not been to practice enough). {{I think I should have limited the guys to 1x220, but they were adamant that they wanted more work. I decided to avoid a fight}}
- Weights: 2x(5x80% squats), assorted light weight machine work {{I can’t tell them anything in the weight room. It frustrates the hell out of me}}
Tuesday: Tempo: 15x100
*Starts (6xfalling 10, 5x25),
- Relay exchanges (2xf30, basically, because we were nailing them and didn’t have to go beyond that).
- Weights: 3x(10x65% bench), assorted light machine work.
Thursday: Light Tempo: 8x100 @ 65%
Friday: Meet. All of my short sprinters are going 100, 200, and 4x100.
Saturday & Sunday: Total Rest
I wanted to get some start/acceleration work in on Wednesday because I feel a lot of the team - girls especially - are woefully underdeveloped here because they didn’t make it to the earlier practices. My 10.7 guy has some technical start issues we wanted to iron out and I feel we did that. I’m telling everyone that they don’t need to expect PRs right now because we’re still training.
Would it be good for me to emulate meet conditions Friday night or Saturday morning, or to sneak an extra speed/SE day for myself - with flying 30s, plyos, and the like?
I guess I should move this to Training Journals.