I Hate My Football Coaches!!!!

Today we had to do sprints, here is what our workout was:

4x50y - 20 sec rest
4x40y - 20 sec rest
10x20y - 15 sec rest
10x15y - 15 sec rest
and they made us SPRINT all of them!


comments please

Yes - if your goal is to get faster, it’s stupid.

the distances are good as soccor is short bursts’ of speed.what is his plan?

as you get fitter is the rest going to increase aiding speed in the long run?

ask your coach what his thoughts are,maybe he has a good explanation.we think differently here but there are many different ways to train!

Obviously the rest intervals are much too short given the distances. Also, why is it necessary for an entire team to run that far(or anyone for that matter)? Linemen in particular have no need to run that far-maybe limit them to 20y and the backs to 35-40y though we usually go no further than about 20 for line and 30y for backs though we often run shorter distances than that. I have gone to great lengths to show this to a number of our football coaches and they have come around. Also, if you look at the average time between plays(with the exception of a no-huddle offense) it’s typically greater than 10-20 seconds(I think the average is 30 seconds +). Just an extra 10-15 seconds between reps and shortening the distances to 15-20 yards(not 40 to 50y) would offer much higher speeds to be repeated if you are going to train this way. DBJ you are right that is a joke of a workout but unfortunately very typical of middle and high school football. It is an insane volume. If the goal is to make people puke or injured, it’s a great session.

Yeah - reminds me a little of what it was like when I played. When we started camp in August, we were tested by sprinting 10 x 40 y with short rests. Very specific to football. I won´t say how long ago this was but it wasn´t yesterday. Maybe things haven´t changed that much.

Pioneer mentioned that he has brought coaches around. I was playing at a Cdn Uni, (we won the College Bowl my last year) and I know that at that time the coach would not have listened. If you can talk to your coaches, great. But…

Football is the closest to war IMO (in sport). The head coach calls the shots, and you have only one job - your particular assignment from the playbook for that play. No discussion, no questions.

IF there is nothing you can do to change the situation, figure out how you can best deal with it. Don´t waste you energy if there is nothing you can do. What is the best strategy to cope?

That’s right. There might be nothing you can do about it as a player. Maybe talk to an assistant coach you relate to well or the head coach for that matter if you have a good relationship with him-IF YOU CAN without looking like you are attempting a mutiny. You might just have to deal with it. Football coaches(just like coaches in other sports like baseball, track, etc.-though we like to think of ourselves as immune) do such things because it is all they know. Football is so steeped in tradition that it is hard to break many of them of their habits and the training myths that we(me included) hold on to. Coaches will do things because that’s what their coach had them do and so on. My fellow football coaches at this school have been mostly receptive to breaking away from traditional methods. DBJ you might just have to go with it despite knowing that it is certainly not a great situation though it is very typical.

there was no speed work after the first 50y run.


Do you know what his reasoning for running is? He may not be trying to increase your speed, but is trying to increase speed endurance.

There is no speed endurance in football- only general endurance and pure speed.

Yup, just like soccer

OK, just general endurance and training based on tradition, not much science. The real question is:

How is your hamstring holding up DBJohn? Be smart!!

Wednesday’s practice didn’t go well. Before Thursday’s practice, assistant coach made players run 7 FULL GASSERS!!! plus push the charging sled (everyone) again that was before practice!!! What can you say except, YIKES!!

i asked one of the assistant coaches and he said it was just to condition us because he said that we were so out of shape.

and the hamstring is doing fine on non-game days it sometimes stings for reasons im not sure of, but i can sprint and do everything well on it. just a matter of treating it.

One of my favorite assessments made by football coaches on the fly is, after 2-3 consecutive days of running guys into the ground with many short recovery endurance runs-“sprints” or “gassers” to them , the players are really dragging through practice and then it is determined that “they are out of shape”. The thought never occurs to them that they might be hammered from work done on prior days. Here, the weight training coach decides to test their 10rm’s in season and DURING A GAME WEEK!!! Thanks a lot buddy. The players were, as expected, tired and sore but the teacher has his own agenda even though the class is specifically for athletes to “help” them be better prepared for their sport. The least he could have done(surprised this option was not chosen since he is usually looking for the least he could do) would have been to have performed this madness this during our open week-LAST WEEK!!! As a result, we lost to an inferior team.

good points pioneer.