I found some NFL workouts

here they are posted. Notable names include
Tiki Barber RB NYG, , Walter Jones OL Sea, Donovan Darius SS Jax,and Donald Driver WR Packers
sorry file is MS word and I cant upload it
here is the link instead

NFL Workouts

Oh my! This should be a good thread!

i foud some work out on the seattle sea hawks website

log on to www.seahawks.com he click on training tip there are some exciting complex training
please charlie check it out

mike clark is a great sc when he was at texas am he did complexes on fri and they work great hes also a fan of tempo rus at about 80%.

A great sc would have his athletes squat to parallel.

what are you talking about he teach his athletes to squat rock bottom oly style.

Did you see the videos on the site? Every squat I saw failed to reach parallel (crease of hip in line with top of knee). He very well could teach his athletes to squat ass to grass, but I just find it rather ironic that he speaks of learning the squat properly, yet his athletes in the video consistently stop short of parallel. I don’t mean to sound like a form nazi or anything as I do believe squats over parallel can at times be benficial (wide stance box).

i wish this site was still open coachsos you would see his squatting style. u could have caught a still shoot, then again u have to know who hes training older guys some as old as 40.