This morning I captured the men’s 100 from every angle then drove into the office where I was going to FTP it up and post it, within one hour of the live coverage.
First thing, I plug into the network and cannot connect to my FTP site.
I shut down the system
My computer then died. I am now using some old shitbox. Maybe I have lost everything.
I am really pissed off today. Really pissed off. Especially as I got up at 3:30 this morning to catch the semis. Lack of sleep disagrees with me.
I’d say watch working when you are tired, you’re more prone to making poor judgement calls when you are in a zombie like state (ummm, fdisk might fix all my problems kinda thing).
Best to leave the keyboard alone and wake up with a new sense of well being. Speaking of which, did anyone get any Carolina Kluft races?