:eek: WASHINGTON, Sept 6 AFP - Hurricane Katrina victims in Houston, Texas were underprivileged anyway'' and life in the Astrodome sports arena is working very well for them,’’ former first lady Barbara Bush said.
The comments by the mother of President George W Bush have fueled the ire of some Americans, who see the Bush family as out-of-touch patricians.
Almost everyone I've talked to says 'we're going to move to Houston,''' Bush said in a radio interview after visiting evacuees at the Astrodome with her husband, former president George Bush. What I’m hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality,’’ she said.
And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this - this is working very well for them.'' Her comments aired late on Monday on Marketplace, an American Public Radio show broadcast nationwide. They triggered a flood of negative messages on the Huffington Post, a popular left-leaning blog. Cold hearted witch,’’ read one of the more polite comments, signed by IowaDem.
No wonder her son remained on vacation, playing guitar and eating cake instead of seeing that aid and rescue operations were well-managed.'' Another writer found the comments hard to believe. Did she really say that?’’ wrote ‘Stephen.’ ``My God! What or who have we become?’’

This post isn’t directed towards anyone, just venting out some frustration.

What do you expect from spoiled little rich kids such as the president and the former first lady. Do you think they ever had a real hardship in their entire lives? I suppose the KKK is a good thing for them as well? :rolleyes:

Is the Barbara Bush really this ignorant? Also if those Americans do decide to stay in Texas then what is so scary, “What I’m hearing, which is sort of scary…”?

Shunnings! Where are the Shunnings?

Patronizing and disdain for the minority and poor in American by Americans is as American as apple pie. Don’t know why this surprises anyone?

“What I’m hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality.”

Translation: We are just trying to help these poor [insert racial slur here], but, we don’t want them to stay and corrupt our state.

“And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this - this is working very well for them.”

Translation: The bastards are poor. They are lucky someone is giving them shelter and food.