HS Short Sprinter's Training Journal

Tuesday November 17


Bench Press 5x2
Weight Circuit 2x12
abs- 300 reps

Thursday November 18

3x40m Blocks

Clean 3x3
Squat 3x3
abs- 200 reps

Friday November 19

Rowing Machine Tempo

Bench Press 3x10
Shoulder Press 2x12
Bicep Curl 2x12
abs- 300 reps

Week 13
Monday November 23

2x40m Blocks
2x55m Blocks

Clean Pull 2x2
Clean 2,1,1
Squat 3,2
abs- 200 reps

Tuesday November 24

Bench Press 3x10
Lat Pulldown 3x10
Shoulder Press 3x10
Arm/Shoulder Circuit 2x10
abs- 300 reps

These 1x200m came out of no where. Any reason for adding them?

He has to do something… he’s already tapered down his volume a ton and it is only November.

What are your training plans for December through April???

Yes, in addition to running the 55m as my main event i will also be running in the 4x200m relay for my school team. So I wanted to do some SE before the first meet. I choose 200m and im going to do 150s tomorrow because I remember reading that Speed Endurance conflicts with top speed so i skipped speed endurance and went with special endurance because i am still training my top speed but would like to address the demands of the 200s that i will have be running.

And as the 200s coming out of nowhere i see how that appears but it was more of I am introducing them now that i am kinda in Pre-Comp and out of SPP (although the distinction is vague).

My plans are rather vague as I will be changing training settings. Previously I have been training on my own with a partner but starting Nov. 30 I will be in season with my school team that doesnt exactly follow the same training style. My coach is more of the classical tempo style coaches, although i talked with him today and he was willing to listen about changing the program but he hasn’t decided yet and i dont want to get my hopes up.

So my reasoning for what I have done has two parts. One, i did this because i am considering running in college next year and would like to run some decent times to give to coaches early in the season (this was not the main reason, just a result) and secondly i set it up like this so that in the worse case scenario, which would be me entering the tempo program, that way at least i would have my accel and top speed in place and then i could just race myself into shape for the 200s and fine tune the 55.

I understand where you’re coming from, but at your training age, you do not need to be doing such low volume on weights and all of this nonsense. You have had so little actual preparatory work with all of the low volumes. One problem, and it is good to see you have thought about it, is going to be the transition from this very low volume program to a higher volume “tempo based” program. From my own mistakes, I’ve learned that you simply cannot just do a bunch of speed work and expect the speed to stay there when you jump into a tempo based program, nor is it optimal. Your training will be changing so drastically and you will not be adapted to it really, when you could have made a more hybrid approach that would take into consideration the fitness issues you have, along with addressing some of the things you missed from the tempo only training.

You have worked your ass off, so you should run some good PRs, but in the future, this is some stuff to think about.

I understand completely what you mean with my training age. Looking back now, I see I may have overcomplicated the weights.

As to the huge change in program, I dont think it will be that difficult. From 12/12 to 1/31 I will have 11 meets due to the jammed pack high school season and then a few championship meets after that. And depending on how you interpreted the tempo based, i may have over exaggerated. its not like 10x300m as fast as you can like some of the ridiculous things Ive seen its just more like workouts totalling at about 1000m worth of volume.

Also I did this similar thing last year and I was able to maintain my accel (slightly decline at the end of outdoor but still better than i started with at the beginning of the year), and during the season my top speed slightly improved and this was all on top of the gains i had made with the short to long program i used in the fall.

Thanks for the encouragement, Im expecting/hoping to open up really well. I made the mistake of neglecting fitness and recovery last year and I improved on including those two aspects this year but i still have a lot to learn.

Wednesday November 25

2x20m Push Up Starts
2x20m Blocks

You must think my weight volume is too low also…

I would think it is too low if you were about 10 years younger, you cut your maxes in half, lost about 15-20lb of LBM, and were less fit :).

Thursday November 26

Clean 3x3
Squat 3,2
RDL 2x8
abs- 300 reps

Saturday November 28

Circuit 3x
-Push Ups
-BW Squats
-Side Plank

Weight Circuit 2x12
abs- 200 reps

Today was the first day of my official start season with my school team. So, I will be practicing with them from now on. Because of this I am going to stop posting the workouts for a few reasons. I am not not sure what I am going to do with this training journal. My plan is to post meet results in here still and possible have updates regarding training and reflecting every once in a while.
Thanks to all that have helped me so far. I have greatly appreciated the advice that you guys have given me.


You should keep posting, and that way if Butters alters your workouts too much, we will at least have others agreeing with us…

December 11

My first meet it tomorrow. I am running the 55m. My goal is to get sub 7 hand timed in my first meet of the year.

In regards to my training, I dont think my coach ever even looked at this site but the training isnt as bad as I may have made it sound. He still uses borderline intensive tempo workouts but he has included speed work. He just kinda has the ideas reversed. He sees the tempo workouts as the “workouts” and the what we would call speed as the recovery days. But overall due to the many meets, the fact that he includes speed work and the fact that he is letting me do some days on the bike cause of my issues with my shins, I think this program will be better than i expected/hoped.

December 12

Race - 150m Spikeless Flat Track
55m - 7.0 ht

Overall I am happy with the time, I was able to PR in my first race and without going into all the details i have very good reasons to believe that my time was actually faster than it was… and we all know how accurate hand times are anyways. My next meet is Wednesday December 16 and my goal is to run at least 6.9ht for that meet.