I’v been injured a hell of a lot too mate, but really, please, stick to running, or at least do a proper sport, not that unko stuff you posted for us to watch (no offence anyone) with a whole lot of oddballs tripping over themselves (once again I mean no offence). Try a team sport or cycling or something in that vincinity. Rowing requires hard out training if that takes your fancy…
Go find a good Olympic fencing club and train there for a couple of months. The footwork you would learn in even a short period of time would put you light-years ahead of what I saw in the videos.
I’m not trying to tell you what to do, but as far as i’m aware you were a promising 800m runner, and yes, injury’s are a bit*h, but I still rekon you shouldn’t give up on it, at least not for good, and I also rekon your too athletic with your 800m ability to do a sport like amtgard, maybe as a fun/social thing, but competitively, you’ll find it to simple I think…
Train with a real sword (long, short, semitar, samuari, etc.) and then compete with a padded one.
sigh nevahmind.