General warm-up
- Jog, side shuffle, backward 5-8mins easy
Joint rotations (dynamic flex?, 8-12x each side)
MODUL A (neck head)
- forward-backward
- left-right
- turn left-right
- circles
MODUL B (shoulder, arms)
- shoulder rotations &variations
- arm rotations &variations
- elbow rotations &variations
- wrist and fingers
MODUL C (hips, low back)
- Cat/Camill
- Hip cirlces
- Torso cirlces (straight back)
MODUL D (hips, knees, ankles)
- Leg circles (“something” like on GPP DVD)
- Tibia circles (lifted thight, lower leg cirlces)
- Easy squats
- Ankle rotations and various walking (heels, toes, outsie, heel-toes…)
Static stretching (8-10sec each position)
MODUL A (neck, shoulders, pecs, arms)
- head down
- head left-right
- shoulders up-down
- triceps (arms behind)
- Wrist up-down
- Biceps and pecs on sweedish ladders
- Goodmorning with arms straight on sw. ladd.
- side flexion (legs wide)
MODUL B (lying position on back)
- cat-camille
- lying on the floor, streching arms and legs (pushing arms up, and leg down)
- pushing one arm up, other down
- Head flexion (legs bent)
- Knee to pecs
- Knee to shoulder (piriformis stretch)
- Leg to side (rotational stretch)
- both legs to the pecs
- hamstring strech
(to stomach)
- Cobra
- sit on the heels and stretch arms (upper back stretch)
- Scorpion
MODUL C (near floor exercises)
- Hip flexor stretch
- Sumo
- Kozak (adductor stretch)
- Hamstring stretch while sitting (back straight)
- Quads stretch
- Gastocnemius and soleus stretch
Kalistenics for activating muscles and core (6-10sec isom, 5-15 reps)
MODUL A (stomach and arms)
- push-ups &variations
- Isom push-up position while lifting one hand
- Isom. stomach exercises on back or something that keep back in neutral thus activating corew stability mechanisms
- Leg rises (bycicle, swimming, ABC etc)
MODUL B (back, and side stomach)
- Bridge isom &variations
- Kinezitherapy exercises on stomach (lifting legs, arsms etc for postural balance)
- side bridge (they have poor form so I avoid doing them with team, only when working with individuals)
- dird-dog
MODUL C (legs, glutes)
- Lunges &variations
- Squats &variations
- Dead lift &variations
- Good morning &variations
- Hip execises on floor (woman exercises-add, abd)
DRILLS (transition to specific warm-up, see the picture - everything is done while running backwar and formard)
MODUL A (additional warm-up)
- easy running
- side-step
- running and arm cirles
MODUL B (hip, knee, ankle)
- ankling
- leg infront, inback
- Butt-kick
- A drill, skip
- Drum major
- Carioca
MODUL C (easy jumps, ankles)
- Cross runing (leg in front of the other)
- Skiing (running wide, jumping from one leg to another)
- Split-scisors (low amplitude)
- Zig-zag jumps on one leg (to center from center other leg, other side backward)
- Jumps forward, backward &variations
MODUL D (basketball defence)
- Picking from the floor
- Defence whole court
- Defence with pivoting (rotating on the leg)
MODUL E (jumps)
- Sailor jumps
- Scisors
- Child jumps (skip for height with one arm and contralateral knee high)
- Child jump with crossing (knee inside, ar to a side)
- Jumps with rotations &variations
- Fast jumps
- Strong jumps
- Jumps for ditance
MODUL F (doing diagonales, agility, stopping)
- diagonales &variations
- zig-zag rhythm diagonales
- running, stopping on mark or on signal
- Defense and stopping on signam, mark
- Zig-zag jumps and freeze on a signal
- Jumps for distance from one leg to another and freeze on signal
- other drills
- Couple of calistenic exercises
MODUL H (dynamic stretches, balistic)
- leg swings
- arm swing with ball
Specific warm-u and coordination (this is mostly done by head coach to prepare the for the main goals in main part)
MODUL A (coordination)
- Drills with ball (spider, one leg-single leg…)
- Dribling, jump-shot…
- Dribling with two balls
- Wall drills and other ball drills
MODUL B (team)
- various types of passing with team player (in motin, with jump, with two balls)
- passing, dribbling, dunking etc
- Defence with team player…
This takes about 30 min, but players are pliable, warmed up, ready for HI etc But give them to dringk something!
When there is sprint and general training once a week, specific part and transitional part consists of Mach drills, wind sprints etc
The main thing here is that I have to put most of it in the warm-up, because this is the only time when I work with them (mostly)! Not all exercises should be done, but couple from each MODULE!
You see that I am very systematic in everything including warm-up! Warm up should be consistent, progresive, specific, but should it be boring? I try to make some variations so that is interesting, but some things should be done in consistent way?