How often do you 'cheat'.

How often do you splurge on junk food etc? I cut it down to once every 2 weeks and now once a month.

I was just wondering about everyone else?

Would it be wise to cut it down to once every 2 - 3 months in the near future?

most of the people in this forum are naturaly lean, so the dont actually cheat, they probably have a couple of slices of pizza or an icecream whenever they feel like it-which probably isnt that much

Sometimes I forgo junk food and cheat myself out of some delicious meals.

Once a week, but realising that when I’m eating at maintenance or bulking, I could be adding an extra 15 lbs+ of uneeded fat a year.

I’m going to cut down like you.

I used to not eat any junk food at all, and i felt like i was going insane! So i did once every 2 weeks for a while and now im doing once a month. When that becomes comfortable i will take it from there.

well to be quite honest. I usally get my meals, food cooked for me. By my mum. Or dad once in a while. Mostly mum.

But when she dose’nt cook, for me, for some polictical reason, in the household which i can elaborate on at the moment. I just eat, packaged food. which is junk food right

Sometimes i might cook for myselfs, try and have alittle fun the kitchen.

I just eat everything that can be consumed. I love fruit, i love good food. Like goats meat, rice, soup mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmAAAAhhhhh.

Am quite lean naturally. Am trying to enjoy life, so i don’t get caught up in deits. BUt i know there will be a time when i will have to.

Am not Oprah Wimphrey.

Am quite lean naturally. Am trying to enjoy life, so i don’t get caught up in deits. BUt i know there will be a time when i will have to.

yeah, like from birth or something:p

well out of personal experience, and some reading, also working (sometimes succesfully sometimes not) with other people like me (that is, chubs of lard with minute myoskeletal system) i can assure you that you are very lucky:p

we are just not cut out for the 20th century lifestyle, give us an ice age though:p

we’d be using your bones as toothpicks:p

oh well…

on a side not, i tried the “low carb/med fat/high protein” on me and some other people, yeah, i can very safely conclude that it does not work…I mean not low as in ketosis, just 100-200 grams of carbs, 250-300 prot, 70-90 fat. Prety conservative diet, well high carb, high prot, low fat (as in 350-250-50) works far better

When I’m training hard I only cheat in social situations. At home, there is usually nothing for me to cheat with. When I’m just being lazy almost every meal is cheating.

When I’m in training, my appetite skyrockets. As epote put it “I have an endless pit of a stomach”.

When I’m hungry, I’ll eat basically anything I can get my hands on until I am full.

Not always crap, usually I will eat a 2ft french stick, with 200g ham + 1/2 avacado & whole egg mayonaise everyday for lunch. Despite this I am as lean as ever, even though I have put on 5kg of muscle, my weight is now nearing the 70kg barrier, at 5’10". Scary!

i cheat just about every day. i had pizza yesterday and today im goin to azteca for my birthday. my diet is actually a serious problem, one i cant seem to fix.

If you’re down to the 6-8% body fat range it is VERY hard to get fat. I’ve been trying to for years and I’ve never been able to. I could eat a whole cheesecake for every meal and I doubt I would gain much fat due to my training and body type.

I don’t know what my BF is, but i am very lean.

Its not the getting fat im worried about, proper nutrition helps you recover better and perform better, from what i understand. Thats the reason.

If you can afford it, go on the subway diet. I lost 50 lbs using this as my main source of nutrition.

Note: Most of the wt loss was do to all the extra cardio I was doing and diet helped a little.

yesterday i ate a whole pizza, today i ate azteca and right now im cooking another pizza.

yeah i like it.

If you can afford it, go on the subway diet. I lost 50 lbs using this as my main source of nutrition.

ive tried, the “astronaut diet” its, the one you eat anything besides astronauts:D

see…mostly lean people in here

Umm, okay.

i do it once a week now, somehow I feel it gets me stronger when i lift heavy, i used to be really strict on diet.

cheating for me is eating high portion of carbs (complex and simple) along with healthy foods. Junk food i havent eaten in 3 years. It is very rare for me to eat them.

Once every 5 days from 5pm until 8pm.