how much technique affects preformance.

technique means nothing my bro if you’re fast you’re fast, l:):)k at me :smiley:

Neither of them had ‘terrible’ technique.

I just don’t think your question is quantifiable because of the degrees to each quality. How talented? How bad is the technique for that particular person? How long have they been training? What are their best qualities?

Agree with Davan on this one and back to what Charlie said as well, how much technique helps or hurts an athlete is a tough thing to judge, different athletes have different strengths and weaknesses as well as different body types, I have little understanding of biomechanics, but I am sure that each individual has an optimal technique which may be very different from someone else and may change as the athlete develops.

For example my long jump is 22 feet with shyt form just jumping however felt best, it looks terrible and people comment on it, but I try to do proper hang technique and barely jump over 20 feet and I try proper hitch technique and dont even hit 20 feet, so while my technique may not be considered proper it is what works best for me.

The same thing happens in all levels of competition, look at any race where people are equally matched you will see a variety of techniques, thats a loaded question trying to figure out how much technique accounts for, it depends how much time your willing to put into learning “proper technique” and if your willing to fall behind to get ahead, and thats saying that proper technique is optimal technique for that individual which can be hard if not impossible to judge.