how many days for HIIT?

i’m 47 and trying to lose weight and put off the nursing home a little while longer. i lift two days a week (tuesday, friday) and am doing HIIT two days a week (thursday, sunday). too much? not enough? bad line up of days (can’t change tuesday)?

Two days is plenty.

Of course if you’re starting off one would start with only 1 day for a week or 2 and then increase gradually.

I’m not sure about you’re previous history etc, but I would reccomend the following for most people …
With good nutrition and a good strength program I think you could do 4 (and maybe 5) days without much catabolism, but 3 would be plenty IMO to drop weight and get in shape.

I often add a long 10-20 mins easy cool down at a steady pace post most HIIT also.

If you find 3 too much do 2 HIIT and 1 steady paced recovery type work on a bicycle/rower or something else.

I found adding 20 mins cardio post weights a very good way to drop weight, but I think it may have been a little too catabolic also.

Clemson and others would have better protocols from the nutrition point of view, but I’s stick to good protein and fat sources and use veggies for the carbs.
Of course just use the standard PWO nutrition after weights to halt the catabolism and you should be fine.