How many carbs to take in b4 workout?

I lift at about 7:00am and and do my running at about 5:00pm how many carbs should I be taking in b4 both. And now that were on the subject should i be doing the running first(am) b4 the lifting (pm). Open to any suggestions!

I am not sure on the carb intake, but you should run before lifting.

what type of running program…sounds like a DI football program…

get into the details…do you have summer school or a job?

I just got done playing football at Valdosta State University and had planned on attending an open tryout for the Orlando Predators in November. I have a pretty hard labor job doing pool maintenance here in Florida where it is 98 degrees just about everyday at this point. I was just wondering what kind of food I should intake to give me enough energy to replace what I used up at work all day, because i can get pretty sluggish after work and thats when I do my running. As far as running goes this is my schedule
Monday- Speed work 10’s, 20’s, 30’s etc.
Wednesday- agility work, cone drills, ladder etc.
Thursday- Tempo
Friday- Route running and conditioning

I also lift b4 work so I was wondering what kindof food intake I should get b4 that since I will be burning so many calories all day long.

where in fla do you live

i would say that you should focus on getting carbs in post workout. you will only be able to take in so many before (meaning limited amount) training before you upset your stomach and potentially trash your workout. if you cram them in post (through 2 recovery shakes 45 minutes appart and then a solid food meal) you wshould be ok for your later workout, or the one the next day. also, if you can eat fruit and small meals through out the day to keep the glucose stores topped off, that would also help without having to sit down for a big meal that will sit like a rock all day.

I find I can work out very well after a day of P&F meals and rely on Carbs Post-WO.
Though it does takes a while to get used to.
In fact I often find my workouts are steadier and last longer - no blood sugar dives etc.

Thanks for you helpful info guys. Floridatrackstar- I am from Melbourne, FL- Orlando area but on the east coast.

Humm, that´s y your nick is Blazer so…
Hey, how is doing Mickey ?