how legs are important in swimming?

Hi to all of you.Recently I was having a discussion with a swimming teacher on how important is training legs in swimming?
in my opinion Legs are “extra booster” in sprinting distances and are an important factor to train (I believe squat is foundamental in training).he said legs are only a minimum part of the training and athletes should train the upper body mostly.
Anyone can express his opinion about?:cool:

Just like sprinting, swimming uses all the major muscle groups, however there are slight variations from stroke to stroke.


Primary muscles: Shoulders/Deltoids/Triceps/Chest, Glutes/Hip flexors, Hamstrings/Quads, Trapizius/Abdominals/Obliques.

Compound exercises, Bench press, Squats (front/regular), Deadlifts etc would be favourable.

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