How does this look for leading up to my first meet? And heavy deadlifts?

First meet of indoor season coming up (3 day meet, 2 days for me). And how does this look leading up to it.

day 1- track practice

day 2-heavy deadlifts, jump squats

day 3-track practice

day 4-speed + box squats + power cleans + weighted dips + maybe single leg squats?

day 5-rest

day 6-speed + parallel squats + power cleans + bench press

day 7- rest

day 8- track practice

day 9-bench press + power cleans + anything else? to add?

day 10- very light training or rest

day 11-rest

day 12-meet day 1

Good idea to switch around day 9 and day 10?
And does the heavy deadlifts being 10 days before the meet affect anything (CNS stress), my max is 305 pounds, and I will go up to 275-280 likely if I do it on Day 2.

The speed sessions are done on my own, and they’re ideal volume and high intensity, the track sessions as said are done with my club and I dont know what will happen in those, but likely not as high intensity speed…

Any help is appreciated, thanks.

How can you plan your sessions if you don’t know what you will have to do w/ your club? That work may force you to change your own w/os.

Im suspecting its combinations of intensive tempo with some variations of circuits (med ball, body weight exercises). Also some block/accel. work.
Nothing high CNS stress.

So what do you guys think? I have till tomorrow to figure this out.

K anyone I need to know mainly about deadlifts tomorrow (day 2) and whether the CNS strain will affect the upcoming speed work on the weekend and the meet.

what kind of vol and intensity are you during? why not squats?

The deadlifts will be.


Something in a very close range to that (take or give 1 rep or 5 pounds)

Reason Im choosing not to do squats is because Im doing squats on sunday and prefer not to do heavy squats three times in 5 days (box squats included).

If this is your inseason indoor program, I would do squats once a week at 1-3 sets at 2 reps at 75-78%. I wouldnt do squats and deadlifts during the season and if you are set on during deadlifts I would probably do 1-3 sets at 2 reps at 80-85%, no need for 10’s and 6’s.