No23, how many carbs do you aim for per day, and why do you think you could not meet the desired amount?
I agree with you Kenny Mac, and so does the ACSM (american college of sports medicine) in their Guidelines book. Recent research has shown the body will use fat stores for energy AFTER the first 20 minutes of cardiovascular exercise (sooner if endurance trained). But should you concentrate on this aspect right now? You are still really young, both in your training and chronological ages, and speed training opposes this type fiber development. I agree with the earlier posts that suggest not worrying about it right now. When your body matures, the fat will disappear.
Here is a suggestion: substitute circuit training for max strength lifting for a 4-8 week period. Pick 3-5 compound exercises and perform them back-to-back with no recovery… it’s TOUGH as HELL, but it’s great for improving body composition… I read about this method in a Paul Chek article a few years back, and it worked really well for me.