When I told you what I did, I will get so much bad rep points, that it is shame to me to even admit what I did! 
Nevertless, I passed the “bad” school and learned on my errors, but the holy bible Supertraining, McGill work, Noakes work and CF.com put me on the right track, and I am very thanksfull…
Ok, here are my “methods”!
I remember while being ih high school I trained brazilian jiu-jitsu, and I was bloody good, and one day my teacher told me:
“Mladen, you should start lifting weights!”
and I replyed:
“Hell no! It will make me slower!” (1 point)
During first year of studies, I HATED the iron game, thinking that it leads to injuries and slowing down and bulking (1 point). I conducted easy slow distance runs (2 points) trying to improve my endurance.
The first sources I got on iron game were from MIKE MENTZER! So, I started going into the gym and thinking that everyone else is doing wrong and I had the knowledge. Man, how I was stupid back then. This was in 2003/2004. (3 points for stupidity). I even cursed Zatsiorsky for proclamaiting multi sets (5 point).
I avoid doing squats and any other exercises because I thought it will cause back troubles which I had back then. I even used twist machine (10 points for being a dork)
How everything started going just fine:
in summer 2004 I bought Enoka and Mcgill books. I read them. McGill even suggested reading Supertraining book. When I was back to faculty I suddenly found that some prof have Supertraining. I read it…
That year 2004, I was 3rd year and entered into strength training department, and fortunally there was one guy, who came from sport academy (similar to our faculty) in my group. His name is Jovan Buha, (jovisha at this site). He borrowed me CFTS and a lot of other books (and vice versa). Back then I was on supertraining forum, but jovisha directed me to CF! I had troubles login in (and some my pals still have). This was before exctly one year. And during that year a read a lot of books, lifted a million of tons of weight in free-weight multijoint movement (Metzner, eat yourself), have a lot of sex :D, met a various idiots in the gym that are like I was just before 1-2 year, and most importantly I made a huge leap since then… And I am still learning with hyperspeed. So, blinky thanks for starting this thread, because I am a real example how can some dork in just one year learn a huge stuff and try it, how can someone change in such short time (I had a huge knowledge foundation befor it, so this helped a lot). I recently started working in basketball, so I easily get more and more practical knowledge.
I will like to use this opportunity to say thanks to Mel Siff, Stuart McGill, Tim Noakes, my pal Jovan Buha (who know where I been if we had not met… I know you are reading this crap, and laughing you MF
), Charlie and all of you guys here at the forum. I must have forgot somone, because a lot of people helped me to put me on the right track, and I will spend my whole lifew doing this same thing for others.