Hilarious Dude Lip Syncing:




This guy is NUTS. Talk about depth jumps!!!

Insane and amazing if it is real.

If you can, try to find the whole video (it’s floating around the net). The beginning shows some of the gymnastics training they were doing. Lots of crazy stuff.

Ive done stuff like that in my dreams. CRAZY.

Oh, that jumping is definitely real. It’s called freerunning. And yes, it is insane but mesmerizing.

That free running is awsome…I saw a special they did on TLC, like an hour long…those dudes are like ninjas or something??? It was really cool, the guys in the TLC show are the same guys in the Scion ??? Car commerical…as for the guy lip sinking, I though my digital camera was off…damn :cool:

This is pretty awesome!

Speedkills…that guys lip syncing reminded me of the old Burger king song…it is really old and I am sure you all probably saw it, but incase you didn’t go here and click on the bottom right of the screen where it says click here…you can see me during one of my intense training sessions!
