High Octane Training by CF


I´ve just found this article…

Charlie, any complement/commentary ?


hey charlie, how come u never post articles on T-mag anymore?

lately ive been going back through their archives, some great stuff that would answer most peoples questions here about lifting weights, especially new techniques to shock the body into getting stronger


thanks for the link, reading the article

Your questions can be answered here.

thanks for the link!

You´re welcome !!

thanx 4 da link

you said…

"Secondly, most hamstring injuries are caused by overwork, not an imbalance. What happens is that as you fatigue, the hip height during sprinting drops, causing more deflection at the knee than there should be. Therapy with these machines is, unfortunately, the rule and not the exception these days. The fluid resistance these machines rely on comes on all at once. It’s like cracking the whip with the hamstring.

The muscle will go into more spasm, shortening it’s length and sending the problem up into the Ischeal Tuberosity. Of course, your therapist will explain this away as sciatica (a narrowing of the lumbar or cervical spinal canal, which causes compression on nerve roots). Only manual therapy such as cross-friction or Active Release Technique will solve the problem."

i had a similar overwork (or at least i believe it was overwork) injury to my hamstring…i had no idea what i was doing and was doing 6 sets of GHR’s 3-4 times per week…terrible training, am ashamed of it…stupid stupid me… and now i have extreme tightness in my hamstrings and it is shortening my stride-length…

i was hoping u could elborate more on the “Active Release Technique” i looked on google, but couldnt find anything in-depth enough to satisfy me…any help would be appreciated

Where are you located? Maybe someone here knows an ART therapist near you- or, at the very least someone who can do deep tissue massage on the area.


This sounds like my injury that I had-it happened late August and up until a couple days ago had been almost all better(but still not completely healed). All of a sudden, it started back up again and now it is like it was about a month ago.

To make sure it is the same thing as what is described here, mine feels like the muscle right under the ischial tuberosity pulls on the ischial tuberosity whenever certain movements are done, most hip flexion movements. The thing that really shows the pulling on the ischial tuberosity is EMS, when the pads are placed so that that causing muscle is stimulated-as the muscle contracts, it pulls on the ischial tuberosity. The thing that causes the most pain is split-squats. When I feel that muscle, compared to the one on the other side, it feels like the muscle on the injured side is lacking-it seems like there is less muscle there, less of the muscle that feels like it is causing all this.

So cross-friction massage or ART is what should be done? Is there anything else that I can do, preferably on my own?

im going to call the massage therapy place tomorow to see what they offer, i tried this whole ART thing myself, but i don’t know what i’m doing so i want a professional

im not sure exactly what to ask them, but probably something along the lines of what i believe my injury to be is a build-up of scar tissue from over-work of my hamstrings that is severly limiting flexibility

in february i could do the splits, and now i can barely touch my toes, hopefully i will be 100% in the next few months

so C Francis advocates increasing the heat around motor neurons for more fast-twitch activation with low intensity aerobic-based runs?

and you run these aerobic-based runs… after your workout?

I was a bit confused at what he was trying to say there

edit: actually it makes more sense if he were advocating a warm up prior to a sprint?

Is that you in the avatar?

haha, i wish it was me, that’s my life goal to be able to do that :stuck_out_tongue: