High Bar v Low Bar Squats

I wanted to get others input on what type of squats they used with their athletes.

I prefer high bar since the posture and positioning is more athletic than low bar. Low bar ends up turning into a goodmorning squat with some athletes. JMO

I suppose it depends on height and flexibility; tall athletes and/or less flexible athletes may benefit from a low-bar squat, or at least initially…

I use low bar. Well you can almost call it a combo.
I dont like high bar becuase alot of the time athletes will go foward putting more stress on the quads and patella tendon instead of sitting back and distributing some of the weight to the hips and glutes recruiting the hamstrings, hips, and glutes. If I want to focus on quad dominace while still hitting the posterior chain and core I have them do clean grip front squats.

Isn’t that more of a coahing mistake not teaching the athlete to sit between the heals properly and drive through the heals?

Don’t you think you can be too hip dominate by always doing low bar along with all the pulls, GM, RDL, ect?

True. High bar done properly gets plenty of p-chain development.

Yes it could be a coaching mistake but reguardless for the most part I feel that high bar squats dont work the posterior chain to the same degree as back squats.

I know for one that myself and my athletes will not have to worry about being too hip dominant because I have a well balanced program that contains both types of work including unilateral work.

That’s the most important thing to make sure that there is a good balance between hip and knee dominant exercises. I think that single leg movement should have dominance as season approaches for all sports.

Without a doubt!
It is also less taxing to the nervous system and after the initial adaptation period it doen’t seem to cause as much soreness and some other exercises.
Now, I would like to know if you or any other members have had athletes in that were posterior\chain dominant? In all my years as an athlete and my few years as a coach I have never seen this.

Right off I thought of Earl Campbell.

Wasn’t Desai like that? (Mentionned in speed trap)


You say less taxing on nervous system and not as much soreness. Did you mean SL movements or low bar squats.

I don’t think I have ever had an athlete who was more hip dominant. I think athletes could always use more hip strength and stability.

I actually had a female sprinter(400) who had very strong and huge glutes, but had very little medial and lateral knee stability due to weak glute med. Do memebers think that is an area that is overlooked becuase everything is so linear?

If an athlete can’t stablize in low speed movements(SL landing), how will they stabalize during sprinting?

Unilateral Work = Less taxing on the CNS compared to squats, deads.
However the PNS may be hit hard esp. if higher reps are done.